I'm going to fuck my way out of the friend zone if its the last thing I do
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Dude, the friend zone is what you make it. Fucking friends is safe cuz you know them. Everyone should be doing it. The label is in your head.
Doesn't work that easily dude
Unless you're raping her, once you're in the friend zone, it's game over for you.
:) bff for life!
hopefully your friend isnt like the girl from Teeth. Then it really will be the last thing you do
If you're fucking her, you're not in the friendzone. It's as simple as that.
Fuck, but keep the friend.
try this and it will be the last thing you do. you'll end up in prison... it's called R A P E, stupid!
Hey you! dont touch me there! this is my private square! R-A-P-E get the fuck away from me! XDD
atta boy/girl!
oh.my.god. This totally could be me! I reign from the 8-0-2, but I'm a girl. F the "Friend Zone"
Why do we put each other in it then?
Go for it :)
Just like in the bible.
Reign? Probably not. Anyways, I believe in you. Fuck the crap out of that label.
Indeed it is
dam i live in the 802 represent son
Do it!!!!!!!!!
Let us know how well this strategy works for you...
Its good to have goals!! ;)
This is from the movie "Just Friends".
Awwww now that's what I call blind commitment
That's awesome lol
STD here I come!
It could be a girl...
Ahhhhhhhmen, brother!!
Doubt it.
You go, guy!
Not gonna happen dude
She put you in the friend zone, put her in the R A P E zone!
alcohol really helps.
Did anyone think that a girl may have said this?
Super unlikely IMHO
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