Once I saw his penis, I knew I made the right choice
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lol, i bet it was because it was white
Keep it classy Nassau!
He better use it right. Just because I have a big dick doesn't mean that jackhammering that shit does it for the lady.
Good slut! Now get to down to business.
Holy foot-long Batman!!
Let me guess, he was Asian? No, you're kidding me!
proud to say im from the 516(: \nwhores unite
And once i saw this post i knew she was a dumb slut
Discovering a lovely penis may well be one of the greatest joys of womanhood!
Plagurized and bicurious. Unless you're a fat girl the size really does not matter that much.
I'm glad I can relate to this in a positive way.
Ha ha
Supercreep, you're either a chick or you have a tiny penis. Sure, it's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean, but it takes a long time to get to France on a rowboat.
Total slut
Um actually I bet it was cuz it was black
only if she is talking about her decision to bring pepper spray to fend off the rapists
shutup slut
Rule 483: Important decisions must be handled by Eenie meenie minee moe.
rule one, shut your stupid face
Did his penis come wrapped in a Tiffany box?
Damn girl ...my milshAke
it's big and know how to use it that's me :)
and once he reads this post he's gonna get tested.
First. He was curious about a transexual
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