#1 That is funny as hell.
#2 Middle school teachers are subject specific so as long as he/she is not teaching English then it does not matter. Also, most things teachers hand out are typed and Openoffice/MSWord will both help you correct it.
#3 Your principal was obviously one of the guys who didn't go to parties...
i live in this area code and i bet i know what teacher this is. Cause now that i think about the younger teachers i had cant be much older now . 11:20 was right. it really makes you wonder.
i have to agree with 3:22. any middle school teacher who doesn't know the difference between "do to" and "due to" really shouldn't be a middle school teacher. either way, this post was hysterical.
I grew up in this area code, and now I am worried. All of my elementary school teachers were like 60+ years old. Hopefully they got new replacements since then, or this is very bad.
I worked at an elementary school and i got send home a lotttt for having "a stomach bug" when it was really a hang over....and puking in the little kid toilets is not fun
Lol that's great! My principle would probably make you pin a scarlet letter to your shirt and my kids would scream teach got lucky last night... And their sixth graders :-/
why would you sleep with a guy after just meeting him at a bar? at least take sometime to get to know him...jeez whore's these days will they ever learn?
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