so i was trying to be sexy and unzip his pants with my teeth. i got my lip caught in the zipper and it bled for a good 15 min, totally a mood killer.
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Well you had the right idea...but I don't think blood = sexy?!?!
Fat chicks are not sexy, they try to do everything with their teeth
haha 12:08! she can just use makeup like your mom
She's just covering up for her herpes!!! Hahaha ewww gross.
wow.. 15 mins of bleeding.. who fucking cares.. get on with the sex
Hahaha totally made me actually laugh out loud
imagine what a guy feels like when he catches his johnson in the zipper?
You are a failure at life...
Wouldn't be for me. Clean yourself up and try again.
This is the best text on this site in a while!!
Should have broken your teeth!
Really kinky if it werent for the blood...
@1:49 have you considered it may have been the same person that submited (sp?) this to fml
So, you at least went back to blowing him right?
You should be extremely dissapointed in yourself
Actually. The story on fml was about how she got his dick caught in his zipler and spent the night at the hospital.
everyone should stop using the phrases "epic fail" and "epic win" - it sounds incredibly stupid. besides, using "epic" to describe everything makes nothing actually epic.
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