We definitely have pot and we have all the best musicians who ever lived performing for eternity. I'll see what I can do about the lasers, it may interfere with our disco ball.
I've already had that trio of things...well Roger Waters in place of Pink Floyd, but it works. And there was acid. Lots of acid. So with basic reasoning, Coachella is heaven? It's a good thing I'm going every year!
Do any of you morons know what a literary device it? This is pure irony. It's saying that everything that got you into hell is what all of the non sinners get to enjoy after living a clean, godly life. It's biblical irony.
doubt theres pot in heaven but that does sound heavenly, but i hear the disco biscuits play in hell with wild lights, weed, coke mdma and ketamines , sign me up for hell
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