Unfortunately 12:14 is right. Men get the shit end of the stick these days especially where the law's concerned. Want a clean divorce? Well in many states, you're stuck with alimony. Want custody of your kids? Good luck with that unless the mom's a total fuck up. Have a shouting match that makes someone call the cops? In a few states like CA someone has to be arrested - how often do you think it's the female that goes?
Sorry sisters, sell your antiquated sob-story somewhere else, we ain't buying!
Actually I feel like women have more rights than men nowdays. A woman can go on and on calling men pigs and saying how awful they are and picking apart every little decision made by a man, but if the roles were reversed, the man would be a chauvanistic pig and a jerk and a dick Hm, nice nice.
The problem is that the sensitivity to sexuality is what drives our repressed society and enables men to dominate; we are not equals, which is extremely unfortunate and for me, I have to sell myself as a brain apart from my sex to succeed, rather than as a whole... I am a Biochemist and Engineer, but that's the way our society works
@216 men and women have simalar right, but they'll never have equal rights because the two genders are different and always will be. Men have some advantages and women have others. Overall it balances out.
This is hilarious, but definitely fake. Try any google search you'd like, or ebay even, they do not make Girls Gone Wild pens. There are none to be found in existence. Sorry.
Why do you care if women think you're a chauvinistic pig? They still have to go home with you at the end of the night if they want to get laid.
Unless they're into eels or something.
Oh dear. Let me just be a feminist crazy loon. :) haha just kidding. I'm a woman and I even hate listening to that crap. Women are equal. yay. Can we get on with our lives now? :)
8:42: unfortunately there is no such thing as equality between the sexes and as our society stands today, there never will be. Just grin and bear it, I guess, and plan for the day it happens to you to, regardless of how much you don't think it would... B/c the more they affect you, the more they win. And it may be sad, but that's animals for you.
11:53 your'e just an ignorant oppressed woman who doesn't even realize it...
women do NOT have equal rights we never will, we are constantly in the male gaze and will always be....social freakin construction!!!!
12:14 how does anything you said have to do with rights. sounds like you have some issues there....
and if you are going to say that, you have to examine other situations as well:
what about how men can sleep with as many women as they want, and its not looked down upon, but if a woman does it, she is a slut?
how about how men make more money than women STILL in the workplace, for doing the same jobs?
maybe you shouldn't hang around man-hating women.
1:12, there are double standards on both sides. It doesn't give justification to either side. 12:14 has a point that the masculine movement is hardly a movement at all, but a stand still. Everytime someone mentions a problem with male inequality, someone like you throws something about female inequality in their face, trying to make the first problem void. It's a huge problem in society. I'm a girl, btw :)
I am of two minds on this one. Yes, feminism is about choice, but our culture doesn't really give women a "choice' to be sexual as it's the new way we're SUPPOSED to be. Girls Gone Wild girl is the new housewife, so to speak. It's just as oppressive, just in a new way in a new era.
That is awesome. You should make a t-shirt that says girls gone wild and offer her the shirt if she flashes you for a solid 30 seconds. I bet she would do it.
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