2 bagels in my tummy and my herpes on my mind
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perhaps a poem dear tfln I wonder what could have been You're site was once good Your mods now suck wood I've read a piece of shit again
sounds like a rap song
Better on your mind then in your ass!
Hahahaha! That should be a facebook status!!!
In soviet russia that would be the most full ur stomach will ever be
oh my god READING MASSACHUSETTS! haha bagel worldddd =) and like half of readings population has herpes haha
5.28 is going to hell
Let's pray the herpes is on your mind and nowhere else on your body.
Your mom must be so proud
U never should have let that dude fuck u in the ass. Now ur a homo and have herpes.
5.25 is a baby killer
thanks for the obvious remark 5:26
this sounds like shwayze
I like pie. (I was born ~1.5 months early, all the fucking abortion shit stop fucking assholes. )
Laid back...... Sippen on gin and juice
bagels sounds awesome... not so much the herpes.
did anyone else read in this to the tune of Madonna's "American life"??
I'm scared I have herpes.
all your herpes are belong to us -cats
Why would you ever text this to someone?
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