Ha! You know you're bi when a girl friend says Taylor Lautner is hotter, and your guy friend says Jessica Alba is hotter, and you genuinely can't decide who to side with :D
~ M
I've had guys and girls and I like both equally. It's not a matter of making a decision between the two. It's like saying I can't like Ford and Chevy equally. xD
~ M
Thumbs up, 7:24.
I'm sure this text was meant to be full of lulz, but it really wasn't. It's lame and relatively pointless.
Also, just in general, why do we need labels for sexuality? Love is love, regardless of gender (or labels).
I really wish that TFLN would post the e-mail address of the person who keeps writing racist crap in every post, or at least ban that person. It's not funny, it's not clever, and you need to get a life. How much free time do you really have, that you have to go attention-seeking anonymously on TFLN?
Why are religous people so crazy? They all think they KNOW what happens after death. Truth is no one knows if there is a god. That's true, not religion!
What are you in Hughacool? Sexuality jokes are stupid, insensitive, and cruel. Piss off. I hope you have to endure something that causes even a FRACTION of what being "Bi" does on an individual. Go get pissed, slit your wrists, jump of a bridge, and die. A**hole.
Simplely put heaven doesn't exist, nor does hell.. That's it.. Stop the bullshit.. Because nobody really knows what happens after life. So everybody STFU about all this religious shit!
bi people are people who are starved for attention. they can't stand the thought of being alone so they go with both guys and girls, so there's a better chance of them being with someone at all times. they're pathetic excuses of humans. i mean c'mon, pick one already.
Ok.. really people? This is getting ridiculous. And btw 10:11, not all religious people are crazy. I am very strong in my faith, but in no way shove it in other peoples faces. Its called FAITH for a reason, we dont KNOW anything, but we have faith in what we believe is true. Not every Christian is an insane Conservative Republican either.. Some of us are actually liberals.
Today, I thought it would be funny to fart in my roommates mouth while he was asleep. I walked over to him and pulled my pyjamas down and let loose. To my surprise it was a very wet one and I accidently took a dump on his face, he woke up and beat me until I was bleeding. FML
4:26 you are the one whose ignorant . actually no not ignorant . you probably go to a liberal arts college and you cant make a decision to save your life. Insecure and low self esteem sum you up in one sentence.
Today, I thought it would be funny to fart in my roommates mouth while he was asleep. I walked over to him and pulled my pyjamas down and let loose. To my surprise it was a very wet one and I accidently took a dump on his face, he woke up and beat me until I was bleeding. FML
no 4;22 there is no " in-between " . it's called confusion . Try a dick one week and try a puss the next. Whichever you like better there's your answer to your problem .
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