Wow Its sad that you think your cool..I have no doubt that your a dirty skank and your boyfriend is better off without you and that random hookup from last nite prolly is laughing at are a whore with no self esteem..I would wish an STD on you but your such a selfish cunt you'd prolly spread it around
1:42 pretty sure I have seen texts in which the roles were reversed where the guy gets dogged on just as much as this girl. The thing is though women are more apt to generalize all males as cheaters and pigs. So don't bitch about double standards when your gender is responsible for perpetuating them
oh shut up, generalisations are NOT apt, but preserving a stereotype means that kind of behaviour ends up as excused (eg guys are just being guys when they cheat). a girl who cheats isn't a 'slut'. a guy who cheats isn't a 'typical male pig'. they're just assholes. leave the gender shit out of it. \n\n(i also love how all the posts on tfln submissions with girls cheating all talk about her promiscuity. ridic. i wouldn't think people on this site would care about
Exactly at 1:42 Not everyone follows double-standards. It's not cool for a guy to cheat and say shit like this, it's not cool for a girl. It's just unacceptable for anyone, a fucking cheater is a cheater and they all deserve the same thing.
what a dumb whore. and maybe some of you tools out there would say a guy is a champ if he did it; but it doesn't matter. if someone does that like it's no big deal, they are trash.
I seriously doubt this is even real...but damn, son, why are you guys all judging? JC had it right all along: "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
You fucking dirty cunt! I hope you never find love in this world! I also hope you have a very slow and painful death! You might need to go to the doctor for a gonorrhea check up you fuckin cum dumpster whore.
douchebag. Like others have said before me, you're not worthy on a boyfriend.
1:42, I disagree. A cheater is a cheater, and it's not cool at all, regardless of gender.
i think it's hilarious that because it's a girl, she's a giant slut, but if this was from a guy, everyone would call him a champ. i don't agree that this girl isn't gross, because she is, but the double standard still annoys me to no end.
Hey 1:36 it's not about being married if your in a relationship you don't fucking cheat you dirty slut..bitches like you and the OP give women a bad name as a guy I know cunts like you have a place in the world..and that place is on your knees not in a relationship
Relax people. Guys sleep around all the time and send in similar texts to this site yet when they do it it's funny. A girl does it and she is a slut. Fuck you and your double standards!
does anyone realize that the slut who SENT the message may not have posted this ON And you do random hook ups numbers IF you are good in bed. ;)
You chicks need to stop whining about a double standard. There's a double standard because it's easy for a girl to be a slut, but it's hard for a guy to be a stud.
I'd agree, based on the fact you tell people your really close to this kinda shit. You wouldn't say my bf texted me to your best friend, you'd be like shit Dave texted me. Not to mention I don't know a phone that just cuts into a text like that
First off......IT'S YOU'RE A WHORE.........not your a whore. The whore doesn't belong to her, she is the whore...get it? Learn the difference between a contraction and a possessive when attempting to insult someone, or you just look stupid. Second off.........who texts that to some strange they hooked up with the night before? Third off........I'm calling bullshit on this one. I think this is just some idiot who doesn't get laid grasping at straws for attention. Well played sir. -619
Slutttt. I fucking hate girls like this. Don't get me wrong guys do it too and it's just as slutty and wrong. Prolly a frosh in college dumb cum guzzler
i agree she's a whore, but i hope all the people dishing her out like this would do the same if it was a guy..... double standards and hypocrites are just as bad
wowzers lmao!!!! okay this is a FUNNY SITE. have you read half this shit? its not full of morals and values so why get on her and call her names? that just silly. and lets be honest IT'S FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!
K, its funny when guys and girls have a story like as long as YOUR not in the story...both guys and girls are whores if they cheat! Thats just how it should be...
Awe he's wishing you a good morning and you have crusty cum in your hair... If you don't love your guy and love having sex with random guys then don't have a boyfriend. Have some respect for yorself and the person you're lying to. But you don't seem the least bit remorseful here just caught
I think it's hilarious. How can people that frequent this site be offended and bash the original poster. F off and don't be so sensitive. Liberal whiners!!!
529 really? Cuz Tiger Woods isn't getting killed for what he "did"? Or every other male that does it? Guys get all stereotyped as cheating scum bags, while girls get this stupid innocent princess generalization. When a girl cheats that individual girl is a whore, but when a guy cheats the WHOLE FUCKING MALE POPULATION are cheating scum. You sound like some girl that cheated and is bitter because of the letter A placed on your chest.
Hey, maybe she's bi and it was girl-cum! Besides, if he can't satisfy the ho, she's going to go to someone else. Better to find out early that she's a cheater and move on.
You must be really dumb. It's not like when someone sends you a text message the message you are writing at the time gets sent to them when you send it. You actually had to go out of your to select your boyfriends number to send him that text.
Only read a handful, but my instinct is justified by the responses I read. Ho. You will be old and alone remembering when someone would want to shoot cum at you.
5:36 you should just die...just because she's a woman makes it okay for you to cheat? But I bet if she was to cheat on you, you'd flip the fuck out. But it's okay when you do it? Makes no sense. You're an asshole.
I wonder how guilty this chick feels... My God her bf probably thinks she's waking up thinking about him and instead she's texting some random guy about his horrible aim... Stop cheating, grow up, and dump your bf because he could find better
4:32 this is supposed to be a funny sitee, like i said, not one about morals and the "right" thing to do. sure it's messed but that is NOT what this site is about so get over it
909, props for the 19th century literary reference ;)
Bottom line, cheaters are dissatisfied with their own inadequacies, and that put a smile on my face =D The end.
I will not go fuck myself... 1:51 because i have a boyfriend which i love who can handle fucking me. This bitch is a whore cunt and I hope she gets herpes of the eye. If shewanted to have sex with other men, she shouldnt have a boyfriend... being single and fucking whoever you want is a different story, but this dumb whore had a boyfriend.
Yea I knw this is supposed to be random stuff but this kind of txt I dnt think u wid want to put up... Being a grl, thts not cute ofvu and it makes all of us look bad.. I'm not gonna curse and call u names but jst resist the urge of letting us knw about ur perspnl life like tht
i dont understand the probelm her...i cheat on my bitch all the damn time, she deserves it for bein a woman. its all about me and what i want ALL the time. if shes lucky, ill treat her to some low calorie fro yo and top it off with some cum of my own
You guys are missing the point. Yes, she's a slut. But she is also dumb as hell. Karma always takes revenge on dumb people. Case in point: she was dumb enough to send a text saying "your cum is in my hair" to her bf. Obviously she wasn't fucking (or blowing) her bf the night before (she was being a prodigious whore), so unless her bf is as dumb as she is, he's realized that she's cheating on him. Thus, Shameless Slut is now Single Slut.
SUCH a double-standard. people are so much harder on girls who cheat, and nobody can deny that.
This girl really does seem like a bitch considering she's texting a random friend about her cheating and doesn't seem to feel bad at all. However, I think guys who cheat are absolute scum as well. If you're dating a person who's perfectly nice, respects you, and thinks the world of you, then you go out and disrespect them for no reason, well that says something about you.
k im not saying she doesnt deserve what she gets after cheating, but this site is supposed to be funny, everybody chill and savour this funny ass text cuz thats the point, im sure the poor girl knows shes a slut, ya dont have to be so rude, just enjoy that its her life not yours
That's because your a dumb cum dumpster slut who think it's funny to blow any guy off the street your most Likely to be so fucking fat and ugly that you think blowing anyone makes you feel pretty but the guy you blew is telling his friends what a fucking slut he hooked up with and their getting a good laugh out of it
You know how everyone is shocked when some pretty college girl is found floating in a lake somewhere? I imagine it has something to do with a situation like this.
Least it would if a bitch did that to me...
I like the way everyone assumes she's a dirty cheating whore, when she may actually simply be in an open relationship.
Though if the relationship isn't open, then yeah, she's a skank.
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