Problem: At home sick with a stomach virus. Solution: smoke weed all day...
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That shit works. I haven't smoked for fun in about 3 years but when I get somethin where my stomach is killin me, I smoke a bull and I'm good.
I actually did this last weekend! Yeah weed!
had the same exact day
Hell ya XD lets smokes some weeeed
Weed fixes everything!!
haha...good solution p.s. first
Yeah buddy
That's how we dooo
marijuana is the best medicine
Always a good day
2:16 Same here. I quit a year ago. My friend Kenna told me today she had a lot of weed and she would give me some for free..I'm tempted to take it.
mhmmmmm weeeeed
I quit weed smoking
I quit weed :(
same it sucks. had to so i can get my license. only day 2 this blowwss
I like the way you think.
3:15 you're an idiot, it's a BOWL... Fucking window licker.
Haha we've all been there
wow.. it's like someone read my mind
1st whores
Weed solves everything.
Problem: Got a VD from a Tranny. Solution: Cut your dick off.
216 is a dumbass
That's the way to do it sir.
Haha. Wicked. I just spent like 4 minutes looking for my lighter in my couch so I could smoke a bowl.
Hah 3:15 "I smoked a bull"
Beautiful fukn pot heads
I'm so glad it's someone from the Bay (650) who said this
I always smoke a bowl when I get sick((: it's the solution to almost everything.
Absolutely the cure to stomache issues, hang overs etc..
Why wasn't I invited ?:D
I'm ur boss!!! Now I kno. Expect a write up
Yea! Represent!
south city whut whut!
I love u
Haha, I look at disease the exact same way, god opens a door, weed opens a window.
Proud to be 650.
hell yeaaaah
First again,
That's my solution too.
Wuddup new best friend
Same happened too me man though it was a fever. best thing was when my doctor agreed with me.
I'd be doing that if i had any weed. So basically being sick really sucks right now ahah
That shit happened to me tooo! I stayed high all day an never got sick again!
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