you probably just thought it sucked because you have no tolerance for culture. I for one think our (Canadian) culture is amazing and thus thought the opening ceremonies were beautiful.
Submitted by
on Feb 17, 10 at 12:40pm
I'm Canadian. What I hate most is how a lot of Americans never miss a beat to express how much they hate us. The majority I've spoken to actually don't think we have houses. Or even suburbs. But, to be fair, I'm sure americans have met canadians who are equally as ignorant.
I think Canada is cool and I've never been there but all the Canadians I know are awesome and can speaks french and English and are a hell of a lot more down to earth than Americans but then again I'm an American who wishes I wasn't sooo...go Canada? Yeahhhh
This is just sad.... there are soooo many people that deliver alcohol in Toronto. Dial-a-bottle? Mr. L? Fernando's Delivery. even just google Toronto alcohol delivery and you'll have a huge list of others. as for the weed delivery. come on... i don't smoke weed and i know at least 3 people that deliver.
Varies from place to place. There are a few places here in Ottawa. They're just small "companies" where a guy will run out to the store, buy your booze, then bring it to your door and sell it to you for the same price with a delivery charge.\n\nSome even offer to pick up anything from anywhere - mcdonalds, smokes from a corner store, whatever. It's pretty great.
As someone who has sampled herbs from all over, Canada has buds on the same level as Texas and Cali and now I think I need to move... I want delivery weed!!! And free healthcare with year round cool weather... Just sayin.
I don't understand why people hate on other countries. Most of you hating on Canada have probably never even been there. Don't judge until you actually visit a place.
yea, but it's a lot more socially acceptable here, and they won't red flag your ass and send you back where you came from for having parifinalia, fuck you American border! I'm gonna smoke a bowl. power to the canadians and everything we have and the Americans don't, this toke is for us!!
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CAN SUCK MY FREE HEALTH CARE. They fail haaaaaaard. Canada is easily the best country. It's soooo offensive to be labeled their hat. They should learn to bow down to us.
I liked Canadians until we got a black president that doesn't legalize weed. Now all I hear online is is 500 laughing Canadians and a shit load of Nig comments
There is no set accent in Canada. There are a lot of different religions, all with their own language and therefore accents. Newfoundland has their own accent which is a mix of Irish/Scottish/British, and nova scotia is a little toned down. But that's about it. So which accent are you referring to?
I'd be more embarrassed with a southern accent or a Boston accent. I'm pretty sure that I would choose our apparent Canadian accent over any U.S. accent any day.
It always cuts me off when I mention that shitty phone company that starts with an 'a' and ends with a 't'. Customers never notice I'm from Canada. Get your facts straight before you embarrass yourself like that again. Thanks. Signed, the better country. Canada.
I think we have more culture than America. We celebrate where we came from, while you fought tooth and nail to break off from your roots (Britain, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, etc.) I have nothing against America, but I definitely disagree that we are an extension of you guys.
Haha. Funny, bow down to canada. I wonder if that's before or after we nuke canada. I remember when Canada tried to mAke nukes and we found out and shut them down. I've got nothing against canada, only overly cocky Canadian bastards
I went to florida and a lady was like omg where r u from?! I was like umm vancouver... Canada? Abd shes like ohhh u have a very thick accent. I was like wtf... I dont but thanx..?
I like how even though the text says nothing of the origin of the individual (they could be using someone else's phone, typoed the area code, etc), the comments have become a debate of Canads vs. America.
Submitted by
on Apr 12, 12 at 11:30pm
I believe the accent you Americans are used to hearing on TV is mostly spoken by people of Newfoundland and Labrador. Most Canadians have a neutral accent.
Submitted by
on Feb 17, 10 at 12:42pm
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