You answered the door when the cops arrived with a beer in one hand and a pillowcase over your head yelling "GAGA, OOH LA LA!"
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should of told him you wanted his disco stick
816 throw it up
So excellent.
Hahaha that's so funny
10:54.. WTF? LOL
816 baby!!!! yes!!
816 is where it's at.
3:56 - fuck you. It's assholes like you who ruin all the fun in the world. If it doesn't effect you, then why the fuck do you care? Just don't read it if it doesn't kill your hunger for funnies.
I'm an 816 also. I need to meet this person!
These Bad Romance texts make me want to puke..
I have been waiting for someone around my area code to get one of these on here.. go missouri!!!!
LOVE. <3
Did they respond by rumba oo lala
Love this (:
Drunk food fast dog Dkvo
Haha sounds like something I'd do but I would have a joint in my other hand haha 420 forever fuck you preps stoners rule
Hahahaha !
Fuck yeah Missouri has the best partying!
I <3 sticking pretzels in my butt then eating them
Good ok missouri people.... Funny
I'm Ron Burgundy. You stay class 816.
Sounds like a good party ;)
This would be funny for the cop. I would just go to parties and like have fun
3:47 - wouldn't it just break inside him and come out soft?
thats epic. i want to be that guy/girls friend =p
FAKE!!!! Also dumb and not funny at all.....
you're dumb and not funny at all.....
I am also curious as to whether they're soft or hard.
Lady GaGa sucks.
True, but I'd be hard-pressed to think of a funnier way to answer the door for some cops.
How is that in any way relevant?
haha! wow oh my gosh.
913 bitches
That was sooooo funny. Seriously.
Why is everyone so curious over this pretzel thing in some guys butt. Gross.
Hahahahaha. !
Awesome, haha.
3:11, pretzel sticks or soft pretzles??? Jus curiose
Who wouldn't be curious over the pretzle??
Someone please fuck me
I'm rolling.
I think I work with this person;-)
This one had me bawling. Best TFLN on here.
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