do you ever think like no deep thought could take place in the spanish language? like all they talk about is like tacos?
how high are you?
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Spanish chicks are so fucking hot
Sooooo psychic! I think the same damn thing when I'm high. Lmfao!!
Taco taco.. burrito burrito you want my taco flavored kisses
I found this written on my desk in my government class
I was going to refute with a deeply thoughtful quote from a Spanish source. I don't speak Spanish however. Someone help me out.
am not even mexican! ~ i think u got a problem with tacos
Have u ever seen telenuevo or whatever that shit is? The Spanish chicks are always fighting n I doubt it's over tacos.
Oh my god hahahhaha Why is this the funniest shit I have ever read
Greenbumho your retarted, Mexican people speak Spanish.
I can't refute with a deep Spanish thought it's Happy Hour. I need time to have some deep thoughts
I actually think this is funny
Only someone in Boone could be THAT high... Go App State stoners!
wow really? so sad how ignorant people can be.. :sigh:
Súper gayyyy
I love this! This is t-shirt worthy for some reason!
Lmao hahaha
Greenbumho- mexicans speak SPANISH!!! aka Spanish language????
they probably mean mexicans as opposed to people from spain a torilla is a breakfast food kind of like an omelette
Whoa 11:40 someone needs to pull their panites outta their buttcrack and take a fucking chill pill
He's right. They can't.
I don't even know why this text is cracking me up but it is.
me too! I can totally relate.
Mexicans like tacos, not Spanish people. Fucking moron.
everyone likes tacos! plus he said spanish LANGUAGE. moron.
Spanish chick are ugly as shit actually. No thankyou
I really needed a good laugh, thank you! I salute the 336 text - honesty is a rare trait.
Wow "Alex 1:00" just made this not funny at all
i think this was my brother.
Spanish guys are hot too! They know how to roll those "r"s
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." -George Santayana
Biggie smalls is the illest
Hey I live in the Greensboro area! Represent 336!
I think that sober
You are all fckn dumb as shit what are you 3rd world hicks? 2012 we are taking over dipshits
Yup I know them hahaha
:giggle: wtf of course we have deep thoughts, ¡pendejo!
So that's why there's no therapists in Mexico...
Rutherford rules!
Taco flavored kisses for my bennn :)
Yeah fuck Spanish....
You obviously haven't read Cien Años de Soledad
Probably it is politically incorrect to say mexican.
lovelovelove this
Loafer wearing super hero gayyyyy
Que' pasa?
Holy shit I think I know them. I'm checking my contacts for 828 area code
828 is boone nc!
El amor se filtra como el agua, dejando humedad para siempre.. And what. Not only is it deep, but it's slightly depressing lol not about tacos
wow this is dumb
I agree w this statement
deep thinking truly does take place when you're ripped.... this is hilariouss!
HHahahahhHHHH this is fuckinggggggg greatttttttt !!!!!!!!!!
Your stupid!! Latinas or Spanish chicks like you call them are fucking hot!!! No fake boobs or ass all natural and curvi ex: J Lo. And for yfi a Latino was recently announced as the richest man in the fucking WORLD!!! did this make the best of the best? This is truly retarded.
No burritos, just tacos.
couldn't agree more, what a dumb language
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