I should just wear a shirt that says "Im Sorry" on the front because the second we land in Vegas, I'm going to be a fuckin trainwreck.
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I live in Vegas
You shirt should have said, "I am an Amateur"
Just remember to have a moment of silence for your self respect before landing!
I was just in Vegas. And trust me, you will have to commit a great deal of drunken debauchery just to be considered a "trainwreck".
yeah, WE GET IT everyone, you've seen the hangover, COOL
I wanna say I know who this is...Amy or Kayla?
Hey what happens there stays there!
Chill the fuck out yo.. I don't get why you people are so negative
There's no "sorry" in Vegas and there's no crying in baseball.
There's no way your story will be quite like The Hangover my friend. :)
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