thanks for brining me home and putting me in my bed. the pillow fort your built around me is also appreciated.
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Good friend right there
Pillow forts are always appreciated.
if it was a guy friend, I would say that's so cute!
Awsome......goddamn awsome!!!!
cheers you classy motherfucker :)
That's great Marc way to be a jackass .... Maybe "she" was txtn her brother....not the brightest are we?
Sweet friend! How nice.
If you don't fuck him and put him in Freimds Zone, you don't deserve to be a woman.
Somebody loves you!
agreed dr. sparkles
That ones a keeper. Love that one forever.
Hahahaha xP
My friends need to take lessons from your friends.
Thats amazing.
Pillow fort spells true friends
That spells I want u all over the place
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