why is it you think everyone who smokes weed is a low life?? people who smoke can be very productive.. alcoholics can't hold a job down and end up in rehab all the time... no oner ever goes to rehab solely for weed.. it is said that abe lincoln partook in the occasional toke.. i am pretty sure that he wasn't an idiot.
A hater just means you're literally hating on something.. You're hating on people who smoke on 4/20.. It dsnt mean u want to be like them. If u don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.. Peace
oooh good one. stop trying to shove your beliefs down everyone elses throats. no one gives a fuck what you think. go on living your boring day and try not to rain on the rest of ours
People here need to chill out. 4/20 is like Easter, Saint-Patrick's day, or Halloween: you celebrate it if you want to. If you don't want to, well good for you, but there's no need in calling people idiots or failures. \nAnyways, wasn't tfln at first a website about texts sent while intoxicated? So obviously there are gonna be some texts about 4/20, as there were about st-pats day...
I'm amazed at how closed minded some of you retards are. I don't even smoke weed.. but you call stoners low lifes and sit on your pedestal made of beer cans. I guess it's more socially acceptable to be a druken bar slut that can't remember what or who she did the night before, that drives drunk and acts like a fuckin skeeze.. then to sit at your house minding your business smoking a blunt and eating a pizza. Grow the fuck up.
Honestly what is wrong with smoking? People do it every day and live their lives better that way. Who are you dicks to judge anyone anyways? Fucking hypocrites..
Why do you bother reading or commenting on this site. Go write in ur journal about how know one gives a shit about what your saying. Go call DARE or TRUTH, promote the drug free shit. I feel sorry for who ever marries you because there going to need 4:20 to forget u exist!
and you're a dumb cunt that think that you're opinion matters. believe it or not sweetie, we're still gonna smoke our weed, we're still gonna send texts about it to TFLN, and we're still gonna think it's fuckin' hilarious. okaybye. :)
Do any of you potheads know how to spell??? the comments are infuriating based on your stupidity level and lack of simple grammar. your vs you're. than vs then. there vs their vs they're.
Am I trying to convince you that smoking is stupid? No. You do whatever you want. I'm allowed to have an opinion just like you are - oh, and my life is entertaining enough, thanks, I don't need weed to have a good time. It must be terrible to have that lame of a personality.
Submitted by
on Apr 20, 10 at 11:29pm
Hi Rachel. Enjoy having money and no psychological damage from smoking illicit drugs. Enjoy finding a good man who also earns money and has the energy to get off the couch and take u nice places. Also enjoy the healthy children u'll be more likely to have without the smoke in your system or your partners
scary stuff??? you're telling me you don't eat, or drink soda, or watch tv, or sleep because its scary stuff??? cause i'm pretty dam sure (besides all the adventuress ones like me who go to a park for awhile first) that's what you do after you smoke...
haha I don't NEED weed to have fun. fuck I could make a fire by rubbing sticks together if I wanted to, but man invented the lighter so why waste my time.
Christmas is a super peagan holiday.. If you go study the history of it, your gonna feel like an idiot for celebrating it. Not because of Jesus but allllllllllll the other stuff... Afterwards... A blunt will make you feel way beyter
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