bate\n1\\verb,bat·ed, bat·ing.\n–verb (used with object)\ moderate or restrain: unable to bate our enthusiasm.\ lessen or diminish; abate: setbacks that bated his hopes.\n–verb (used without object)\ diminish or subside; abate.\n\nI'm going to assume then, that masterbated must mean he's really diminshed. I.e. - Even under a magnifying glass, his dick still appears masterbated.
There was a hell of a lot more to Watchmen than just Dr. Manhattan's nudity, but to read what people have to say about the movie on the Internet, you'd never know it.
i saw that movie with my uncle his gf my mom my dad and my brother, when the movie was over my uncle said "oh yeah my favorite part was the sex scene, i mean how cool would it be if you could fuck with your hair" xD i was like "uhhhhmmmmmmm?"
In the move the dude was human but took the body of the alien and he had sex with the alien chick so why people are turned on by the sex scene doesn't surprise me.
young one, to save your innocence get off this. \n\nand if you don't know what "masterbate" (masturbate) or what avatar is. then you are a very sheltered child and should not explore the internet.
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