He was going nice and slow, then he yelled " BOONNEESTOORRMM!!!!!". I can't walk straight.
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Batten down the snatches.
Best quote ever.
pretty sure your boyfriend plays WoW..... really sorry. please try to live through this.
Loves the WoW reference
U have to send this to blizzard. They would enjoy knowing they have penetrated another realm, the bedroom!!
Gotta tell ya the reply "batten down the snatches" was phukkin funnier that the text....well done skinner, well done.
Nice WoW reference
Shoulda started whispering "runaway little girl, run away!" in her ear. Anyone with DBM in WoW would know
anyone who raided kara and remembers the big bad wolf would know where it came from
Skinnerc06. that was a good one
I would have also accepted. \n"More bones for the offering!"
skinner FTW. made the text 6.5x funnier.
buy me Bonestorm or go to hell!!
Young man, in this house we use a little word called "please".
Hahahaha that's great.
Sounds like somebody was grinding
hahahah, awesome WoW guy you got there.
Details are missing. \n1. Could she walk straight beforehand?\n2. Is she just drunk?
That's what I'm talking about
Buy me bonestorm or go to hell.
ICC baby! Marry him, now.
Omg a wow nerd that can bone?
probably a wow reference which is itself a simpsons reference
Haha WoW reference. Lord marrowgar
WoW. That's epic. Wish I could be in your place
WoW reference for sure - ICC :)
i have a macro that says this whenever i press it. it rivals the "power overwhelming" button
Yeaaaa icc :) keeper :)
I'm surprised he took a break from wow to fuck her
You know you need more than one for that boss.
Definitely a WoW ref
i wonder if bryntroll, the bone arbiter dropped from her vag.
I thought simpsons, the videogame bart stole
Nerd for life! *does the Vulcan live long and prosper sign salute*\n\nYes, I am the nerd overlord, your children will work for my children.
This was funnier until I found out it was a WOW reference
3:30- hell yes!!
The things that happen in WV..
Awesome if you were into it, not so much if you weren't.
Omg so sexy
aaaaaand BOOOOOOOOOM goes the DYNAMITE!!!!
Nah I say it's a Simpsons ref.
I missed my heroic dungeon popping because I was reading these responses. Multi-tasking ftl.
This made my day, because I play WoW. That would totally turn me on. :]
What is wow? Sounds lame
It could be a Simpsons reference.
Awesome.\n\nReally? Just "Awesome." counts as spam? Come on.
oh yeh, i'm bone smugglin baby
i didn't get the WoW reference and still laughed harder than any other time vie read something on this site. well done, and im sorry about your paralysis.
Nice ima try this
Sister is that one of us? Skinner are u who I think u are? SLAM
Did he cum blue flames?
Did he stop to play some WoW after he said that?
I love being a Mountaineer.
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