Thanks for telling my landlord that the poop stain was yours and not my secret dog.
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True friendship at its finest.
This is fucking hilarious. I don't care if anyone cries fake or not, this is funny.
Okay, awesome friend. But you can get rid of most poo or pee stains if you catch them early. If all else fails, move furniture over it. I love your friend. That's bff shit right there.
Rule: If you do something outragous for a friend, they must return the favor indeffinately. NE!!!
Great friend. Champ.
well about that i didnt lie to him i just blammed the dog so you werent pissed but your welcome
You're welcome.
Legonut: it's funny cause no one fuckin cares!!!!\nWell sometimes ur funny...
aww that's so nice
Wooohooo go Arkansas!! That shits funny :-)
Hahahah oh man that's a true friend :p
It's funny because legonut is an ass.
God damn
It's funny because your not supposed to have dogs in arpartment
Ha I once convinced the landlord that the pile of steamy poop that it was my pet dinosaurs. Amateurs
Really legonut? I had no idea! Thanks for the heads up buddy!!!!! .........
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