this morning i checked my reflection in the toilet as i was throwing up to make sure i still had my pearl earrings on
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I'm sure he'll give you pearl necklace to match if you ask nicely.
knew this was coming as soon as i saw this.(no pun intended)
good pun all around
Rick....I've read all the comments on most of these and ur on about all of them..... Get laid sometime
guess you don't realize the irony of your statement..
too funny
TSM...story of my life
Keepin' It Classy.
Where are we, Sweet Briar?
Good job Austin.
no you didn't you lyin bitch
How special for u asshole
Hahaha! TSM
Maybe it's like....Ricky gervais and Michael Scott if they were rolled into one incredibly lame boss that fires people. It still isn't funny...
It's okay you can always get another guy to cum on your ear.
Way to go for the obvious joke, iowawashington. You're fired!
I so long for the invention of a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet
IP somehow explodes...burns rick to death...ah sweet irony
There's an app for that.
Obvious joke - yes. Better than repeating the same stupid one liner from a stupid tv program - yes. Go die in a fire.
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