Just had a stripper snatch my glasses off my face with her ass
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Haha snatch
Try not to get pink eye from her brown eye.
lmao im laughin to hard omg D:
And then all he could see were vaguely woman shaped objects, and hoped he was only giving them singles.
'Hind' sight is 20/20.
I was waiting for it...
that kind of talent deserves a big tip
If she proceeded to smash them with aforementioned buttocks, then THAT is a talent.
I hope your frames were brown to begin with..
Family Guy did it.
@cwelkman just because she's a stripper doesn't necessarily mean she has an STD. She's not having sex with all the guys throwing money at her
Good stuff! Had the same thing happen with a dollar bill.
Rush to the free clinic now. I am certain your face now has a STD
Hookers and Dancers are not the same
Now, THAT'S how you get pink eye!
sounds so epic
Good shit south jers...played a similar game where we all put our singles in a big pile n had like 4 strippers see who could pick up the most singles usin only their ass...
Well, what are u waiting for? Go get them back..,,with ur mouth...
Now that's talent
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