You really need to get over the whole "jail" thing. Its really not that bad.
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Prison is where its at.
Yes. Yes, it is. Jail sucks
Maybe the person sending this has reason to believe he’ll enjoy his cellmates
The conversation actually was about what to do if a cop walked in. She replied "wait for him to start taking his clothes off" then she said the line about jail.
Spoken like a person who has not been to jail
Sorry the decent people of TFLN and the receiver of this text don't share the same passion for big black shower cock as the sender.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the guy that called red flag on a girl
It really aint as long as you aint in for years
its only bad if your a prison bitch. act crazy and bitchslap the biggest dude you can find
Dude what you need to do is kill someone in jail. Then free anal in prison.
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