Im thinking about quitting weed for my dog
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Think this through. Just feed him BEFORE you blaze so you don't forget about him/her.
Haha you're referring to that commercial right?
i was always a much better dog owner when i was high, wed go for longer walks, hed get more treats, and more attention
Me tioooooo
@that706dude, you might want to quit for your grammar
I smoke w my dog
why would you do such a terrible thing???
You keep eating his food don't you ... and he's left with nothing. *tisk* *tisk*
Trade the dog for weed?
And just who said smoking weed messes up your brain?
If he doesn't like it, he can just leave the room. Get in the garbage or something.
Just share it with your dog. Nothing better then watching tv been stoned with your dog.
Don't get ur dog high!! Very cruel!!!
I'm thinking about committing some murders for my dog. -son of sam
I find this hard to masturbate to
Terrrrrible idea, just terrrible!!!
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