did anyone ever consider that it might not be a real thing that occured? Maybe she was just joking around about what would happen IF she was in that situation...and out of context it was hilarioius so it got posted. Just a thought.
shut up, you dont know her, it could very well be the same guy or she could be married so quit running your mouth and calling people sluts that you DONT KNOW!
Only slut calls other ppl sluts...takes one to know one 5:47!!! I bet money you're like the biggest slut in the world and most likely have herpes!!! LOL!!!!!!!
If it's real, I think 5:36 has a really accurate breakdown..
Probably fake, though, no one is that nonchalant about pregnancy... except maybe welfare whores with 37 kids already..
For sure fake and why Text "wait the condom broke...." just to odd Nice try lady... next time you realize your life is so uneventful you have to make up text....head to the bar
even though there's a great possibility that this is fake.....this is totally something that my best friend and i would say to each other via text...right after it happened.... haha
If everyone's main objective is to rate the texts real/fake you need to find a new site to judge because I'm pretty sure this one is for pure humor and sarcasm.
well if it is real and she is pregnant than that baby clearly has a winner for a mother, and 1:17, you took people saying slut WAY too personal...sounds like you probably have a get the 10th one free buyers card for your local abortion clinic.....whore
gotta be fake, just cause it sounds more like something youd say in conversation than something youd text ... seriously when would u ever text 'wait ... the condom broke' ???
actually i could see that being a text, obv you arent texting the person youre w, youre texting a gf about the situation that just happened or that happened lastnight and when youre texting you text as if it were happened right then... hence the wait and the ehh whatever
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