You act like pregaming preseason hockey is a crime. Come on man, get fucked up and watch pucks. It rhymes so well it has to go together. DOS EQUIS Y DEVILS!
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Screw the Devils. Go Flyers!
Lol a healthy Crosby is better than any player currently in the NHL. ggnore. LETS GO PENS
I agree with this sentiment but go Canucks :) so glad hockey's back, two months is two months too long.
Wouldn't it be dos equis y diablo?
Except that we beat you 3-2 last night? <3 Go Pens! <3
Sharks mothafuckas! We takin it this year. But yeup really though finally hockey is back
Eff that. Sabres!
Bruins all day
Da Blackhawks!!!!
YEAHHH CANUCKS!!!! Finishing off what we didnt do last season! :) it's gonna be good aaaand the beer is going to be even better!
Red Dog and Red Wings! Hell to the yeah!
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