I just feel like a girl who's never eaten a pb&j probably doesn't swallow
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Never know...she might love Fluffernutter...
Oh yeah...fluffernutter! Good thinking!
both are very unamerican.
Swallowing is unamerican? this is news to me if it's what you meant. Most girls I know readily admit to it.
Give her a chance, she could have a peanut allergy.
Fuck that girl
Not true from personal experience
If an aversion to peanut butter = aversion to protein, you might be right.
What about nutella?! Or vegemite??
Hail and well met, fellow equator ducker!
Completely untrue. I do not like jelly, and eat my peanut butter with honey. Also, I swallow. :-)
how can I get in touch w u?
I think the real issue here is how many of these people posting comments haven't had a pb sandwich before.
Or anal...
I've never had a pb
I'm now adding never eaten a PB
Stupid husky
Wow...I'm amazed at how many of you have never had a pb before...
fuck vegimite.
seems logical, mr. Spock
True in this case
Totally unjust assumption. I've never had a pb
Why are people disliking this? She's implying she swallows. Well, or he, can't really tell from the name.
Nutella n honey... BAM! excellent sammich!\n And.. Sop1119... Whatcha doin? I got a PB
I've never had a bj
But I don't eat pb
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