Drunkasaurus has found a new cave to eat all the children she captured
I need to get you away from Bacardi 151 and out from under the bed
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When does Whoreasaurus come out? I've got a prehistoric snake for her to devour.
I absolutely love your comment...especially your prehistoric snake part. I can't stop giggling about it. You rock ;-)
In retrospect, "python" would have been a bit more fitting. But still, I win :)
LMAO!!! Actually made me LOL mid-webinar at work... I think they're on to me.
Hehehe... Happy to help :D
You eat children? Pedobear is not happy
it's aawwwiiigght
I cannot express how much I've laughed today just thinking about this comment.... I'm still cracking up about it
DRUNKASAUROUS!!! WE MEET AGAIN!!! away man we would stick the bottle. opener between our toes and "clever girl" everyones beers...while singing the Jurassic park theme...ah good times
I'm watching Jurassic Park right now.
Wubbazugg- you WIN
I know. *pose*
alright who decided Terra nova would be a good drinking game? god damn it fox tv
Then Soberanious shows up and you are but by reality.
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