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  • However, after they handcuffed you, he proceeded to unzip his own pants...

    Submitted by boogerbutt on Apr 16, 12 at 4:09pm
    • I've seen this sucks because on paper it sounds awesome but in real life its a nono aside from you can't go for it or you'll be fired if not arrested since she's too fucked up to give consent and sometimes its just a sad sight seeing someone brought so low

      Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 16, 12 at 5:05pm
  • I actually laughed out loud at this...... :)

    Submitted by paigealicia on Apr 17, 12 at 3:18am
  • You obviously made this screen name, I've seen out before this nonsense. You used the same screen name as in your normal life. A real stalker would have found you already. All your brother did was point out the painfully obvious. You didn't have enough sense to use an alias on here. So yes, I'm calling you a dumbass. On this occasion only.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Apr 17, 12 at 11:38am
    • Read my reply below. Thanks, "GA_Peach". Have a great evening, ma'am! =)

      Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 17, 12 at 9:50pm
      • Wow, nice novel. My screen name is a name that I use on sites like this, on facebook it's my first initial, last name and then year of birth or wedding. I was born and raised on the Georgia coast, so my name fits I'm just not easily stalker bait.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on Apr 17, 12 at 11:55pm
  • That's awesome!

    Submitted by shirbsiren on Apr 16, 12 at 4:02pm
  • Tjadda gurl

    Submitted by Malicius on Apr 16, 12 at 4:49pm
  • Lmao that is hilarious!!!!

    Submitted by krummit on Apr 16, 12 at 11:27pm
  • my sister has da best little brother in da world! shes on face book just search scbeauty1983. peace

    Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 16, 12 at 8:45pm
    • Fuck you, you fat asshole! Does anyone know how to delete comments on the Android App??? O_o

      Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 16, 12 at 8:48pm
      • ooh very nice

        Submitted by nunubeest on Apr 16, 12 at 9:11pm
      • Hey unoriginal a real stalker would have already found you, dumbass not using an alias. You can't delete comments.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on Apr 17, 12 at 12:38am
        • But, you CAN delete a Faceplant account

          Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Apr 17, 12 at 4:46am
          • I'll be changing my Facebook alias ASAP, that's for fucking sure!

            Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 17, 12 at 11:26am
            • You know what? I'm not changing a fucking thing! My Facebook is set to the highest privacy setting, so anyone trying to stalk me on FB would only see my one profile picture, my birthday and state of residence, which is in my screen name anyway, and that I'm in the Maternal/Fetal Medicine field and in school for Internal Medicine. Everything else is invisible to people who aren't on my Friends List.

              Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 17, 12 at 9:46pm
              • Call me naive, but I'm just who I am, and I refuse to hide behind some random BS screen name. So put THAT in your pipe and smoke it! =)

                Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 17, 12 at 9:47pm
        • What??? Are you calling ME a dumbass? WTFudge?!?!?

          Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 17, 12 at 11:17am
  • Don't worry too much sc... I've had my little brother do that to girls I've been trying to get with. Most annoying shit in the world, but not too bad.

    Submitted by monkers on Apr 16, 12 at 10:51pm
  • Too funny sc, could b worse, at least ur name on here is true :)

    Submitted by blondecanuck on Apr 16, 12 at 11:48pm
    • To have a different username on EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE I go on is ridiculous... I'd never remember which went to each site.

      Submitted by SCBeauty1983 on Apr 17, 12 at 11:24am
  • She wanted a cockmeatsandwich

    Submitted by ck24 on Apr 16, 12 at 8:25pm