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  • and this is why you should NEVER give someone you username/password to Facebook...yikes

    Submitted by Kevin201 on May 21, 12 at 2:27pm
  • Aaaahh, what's up doc?

    Submitted by porksword on May 21, 12 at 3:29pm
  • Owned.

    Submitted by keto06 on May 21, 12 at 2:07pm
  • Just tell them you are the new face of farmville

    Submitted by Occisor on May 22, 12 at 2:15am
  • Too bad it's a bit more than just a mental image... It's a digital one. Hard to get rid of those completely

    Submitted by norcalgirl on May 21, 12 at 3:14pm
    • Impossible to get rid of. And, as per Facebook's terms of service, it is now Facebook's property.

      Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Jul 4, 12 at 9:14pm
  • Your fault for assuming that pic would never be shared with anyone. Dummy

    Submitted by grandmasboy on May 21, 12 at 6:21pm
  • Facebook. Screwing people over since I don't give a shit.

    Submitted by  on May 21, 12 at 4:20pm
  • Am I the only one who wants to see this?? Name?

    Submitted by redsox985 on May 21, 12 at 3:31pm
    • I'm with ya here.\n\nAlso this is why I don't have coworkers/boyfriends as my Facebook friends

      Submitted by whoreable on May 22, 12 at 5:04am
  • You can sue the shit out of him. Take screen shots and save everything!

    Submitted by D_Rock__ on May 21, 12 at 2:52pm
    • boo no fun

      Submitted by italianstal012 on May 21, 12 at 4:22pm
    • This is the problem with America today. Litigating dickheads. Ever wonder if maybe she did something real fucked up to cause this?

      Submitted by cannabislecter on May 21, 12 at 7:40pm
      • What would justify this scenario, seriously?

        Submitted by whoreable on May 22, 12 at 5:06am
        • I'm with you. When women get emotionally or physically abused people so often say, "I bet she deserved it." She potentially could lose a whole lot (friends, her job, etc.) that money won in a lawsuit could never replace. I hope for her sake that this text is fake.

          Submitted by holliepop on May 22, 12 at 8:05pm
    • How is she supposed to prove that it was HIM who uploaded the picture?

      Submitted by amanDUH123 on May 22, 12 at 12:42am
      • thats not even hard. facebook tracks login locations.

        Submitted by keto06 on May 22, 12 at 1:09am
  • Haha fuck the carrot picture! What do I need to do to have 500 "close" friends like you OP?!

    Submitted by pinkispretty on May 21, 12 at 5:32pm
    • Thank you!\n\nI don't think I could name 500 different people, let alone keep track of them

      Submitted by whoreable on May 22, 12 at 5:09am
  • Also why you never text or take naked pics of yourself to send to anyone. Lesson learned

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo1 on May 21, 12 at 5:30pm
  • Fatality!

    Submitted by Yeep on May 21, 12 at 2:13pm
  • Ok.... Wait a minute here does no one else think shoving a carrot in there is odd? Or is this normal now....

    Submitted by kandykorn48 on May 22, 12 at 9:38am
  • Natasha, is that you?

    Submitted by entersandman13 on May 21, 12 at 2:18pm
  • On second thought, perhaps sleeping with his dad AND his brother wasn't such a good idea after all...

    Submitted by nobody__special on May 21, 12 at 9:30pm
  • Too bad this site does not include pics

    Submitted by ck24 on May 21, 12 at 7:15pm
  • Ex-boyfriend=vindictive, OP=stupid for allowing those photos to be taken...

    Submitted by pinnacledrive on May 21, 12 at 6:55pm
    • Really? C'mon...\n"Were born, we live a little while, we die".

      Submitted by whoreable on May 22, 12 at 5:24am
  • Maybe she cheated on him. I think that's a fair trade. It would teach people to not cheat... Like what did you learn??

    Submitted by thatpeskyguy on May 22, 12 at 3:36pm
  • What a loser he is. Hope it's the last time he is granted access to the garden.

    Submitted by RoffMain on May 21, 12 at 2:10pm
  • Rule #1. No pictures. Then it's all just the bitter ex trying to make you look bad!

    Submitted by girlygears13 on May 21, 12 at 8:23pm
  • Damn.. Idk what you did but begging for forgiveness is prolly a good

    Submitted by CBizkuit on May 21, 12 at 2:10pm
  • Whoa!

    Submitted by finalflash08 on May 22, 12 at 12:11pm
  • And now Facebook owns the rights to that picture.

    Submitted by radiation360 on May 23, 12 at 3:41pm
  • Burn

    Submitted by crimsonranger on May 21, 12 at 2:18pm
  • Knuck Knuck Knuck. Certainly.

    Submitted by flash_jordan on May 21, 12 at 8:22pm
  • Not illegal, and no grounds for a lawsuit.

    Submitted by Dsapeer on May 21, 12 at 5:51pm
  • All in all a pretty standard breakup

    Submitted by icebreaker445 on May 21, 12 at 5:36pm
  • Wow!!! Wow!!!! I mean what else can I say!? WOW!!!!! Dang. "/

    Submitted by Cupcake_qu33n on May 22, 12 at 10:07am
  • i think i can honestly speak for all guys when i say she probably deserved it

    Submitted by gabraham on May 22, 12 at 9:02am
  • 1000 ways to die?

    Submitted by andynator on May 24, 12 at 1:37am
  • Only 500 friends?

    Submitted by JJdoggie on May 21, 12 at 3:40pm
  • Password recovery: about two minutes. Crying to your friend via txt: five to ten minutes of back-and-forth conversation. How long it'll take to live this one down: I'm guessing they already moved on to talking about some shitty pop song, and your troubles are now meaningless.

    Submitted by NecroSen on May 22, 12 at 3:54am
  • You have to really piss off a guy for him to do something that bad! One more reason to be extremely carful with this kind of pic, and your fb password and if you've given it to a SO you change it before you break up with them.

    Submitted by kgirl1992 on May 22, 12 at 9:44pm
  • On the bright side at least you date smart/clever guys

    Submitted by Phys on May 22, 12 at 12:18am
  • Disgusting act. Tell the police. Someone in Australia recently got sent to jail for doing something similar.

    Submitted by ceewil on May 22, 12 at 12:46am
  • Oh giving him an std that isn't curable. Deciding to burn his house dowb because he could have been cheating. Getting herself locked up for sleeping with one of her students & shaming him in front of everyone he knows. Getting pregnant by someone she didn't even know at her engagement party. I could keep going but these are my favorite ones. ( :

    Submitted by anaily92 on May 23, 12 at 2:49am
  • I'm assuming that the people who don't like this also assumed that she didn't deserved this!!!!

    Submitted by cowboy1986 on May 22, 12 at 7:11am
  • Your fault, OP, for still using Facebook like it is still 2006!!! Grandma, is that you?

    Submitted by 909Berdoo on May 21, 12 at 10:14pm
  • The zucchini up your ass, that was a little bit more disturbing, hot, but\nDisturbing

    Submitted by hogfish on May 21, 12 at 8:56pm
  • Where the pic at?

    Submitted by FrankieKnowsBest on May 22, 12 at 1:18pm
  • I'd love to see the pic

    Submitted by rsh1962 on Jun 7, 12 at 3:59am
  • Maybe she deserved it.

    Submitted by Nero905 on May 22, 12 at 9:36am