Quit saying "watch your back" or "die" or "you just ruined some person's life". This person has done a GOOD thing by turning in a drug dealer. All you care about is your own stupid little teenage rebellions. If this person does get beaten up or killed, it'll be because of awful people like you!
i'd bet money that 80% of the people posting on here trying to act like badasses are some little 17 year olds on their summer vacation who have NOO idea what they're talking about.
and i'd also guess that the person that got ratted on wasn't dealing just weed. there would not be a reward for that.
so get your panties out of a bunch.
Pot, I'd ignore. I love weed. If the dealer was shady and dealing hard drugs, fuck 'im, I'll take the $500 easily.
I don't owe any dealer who disrespects the neighbor shit.
Jeez, what uptight asses. People on drugs need to get a life. Pot, I'd ignore, but anything more and I'd have called the police for free. Are you kidding? No way in hell I'm putting up with that in my neighborhood!
This whole thread makes me want to stand in my backyard every night smoking a huge joint and holding a shotgun and staring my neighbors down over the fence. DO SOMETHING, I FUCKIn DARE YA.
to 2:49 up top... "you pot heads are losers to"....
sorry buddy. i smoke and am damn proud of it. let me guess, you drink alcohol. after smoking you are way more functional than drinking. And our brains must work better. i mean if not, you should know that you should've put "too." as in "also." but hey, smokers are the losers right? lol what a dumb ass go hang your head in shame... and drink more
3:09 Hehe mayyyne I'll happily terrorize the shit out of people like you when I'm a cop. 'Course I won't go out of my way to be a fucking dick, just wait for you guys to shit on your own lives.
you can so tell that drug dealers are douchebags. seriously. are you threatening a person anonymously on tfln? i mean SERIOUSLY. get a life. we are on here to laugh at you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
3:20, it's a damn good thing you can't afford to live out here in my neighborhood. You would definitely fuck up the property values out here where us white folk live!
True story: I live two houses from a meth dealer and put up with that shit for about a year. Then one of his clients almost ran over my son and me. Had a meeting with that fuck in his front yard, told him my cousin kicks in doors for the drug task force, etc. His ass moved out that week.
This is still funny, though. if you have to get a reward to pay your rent, you probably need to get a job or start selling drugs yourself.
lol im against fucking over people on weed charges, but shit if he happened to sell me some pot and it was crappy, fuck that shit id so call the cops n collect 500 bucks just for having to smoke garbage ;p
its 956!!
bet you this was in GHOST TOWN! UP THE DRUGGIES!
haha sorry but i dont give a fuck id also call the cops for the 500 bucks...
then id move out!
I did the same thing last month for 200. And guess what... I SMOKE POT. I turned in a meth and X dealer that sold to 15 year olds. Fuck that.
I'm glad you posted this man. Made me feel loads better. Fuck all you people that are about to call me a snitch. Go get a life, put down the needle, go to a meeting.
Oh, and the OP is going to Hell? Wheres the dealer going? Oh wait, thats right, prison...
i smoke. i'm not an asshole or a douchebag. i alsi think all these guys acting all ballsy on this must be retarded. YOU"RE the kind of smokers who make me not want to smoke. can't smoke and chill. You give smokers a bad name. you're the idiots.
i don't believe in sending more people to jail for drug offenses. i wouldn't do that for $500 bucks. seriously. maybe given some unforscene circumstances where i didn't have a job or any money in my bank account (knock on wood), but i'd work tirelessly to prevent that from happening if i could. i'd rather call everyone i know and ask to borrow money than possibly send someone to jail. ps. what if he has to testify against that guy? that'd be bad
awesome- now that guy is going to be short on HIS rent AND get fucked for not having stash. i officially hope your karma turns around to bite. thats just sad :(
Lmao. Ok everyone on here trying to act hardcore is just laughable. Real hardcore people do not sit around on tfln making empty threats. Plus if it was some sort of lab I'd fucking call too. It takes one mistake to blow up a house. I bet you'll be crying to the cops after your house blows up. I can't wait.
Wow. Either a.) the dealer sold pot, which makes the OP a major douche, or b.) he sold more than just weed, which makes the OP a dead douche.
Either way, at least the dealer was earning his rent.
Oh yeah, 2:58? I'll kick your ass right now, skinny little bitch! You want some of this? I'm HUGE! Meet me at the McDonalds in half an hour. I will fuck your day up! Tough guy.
why dont you write down every license plate on the road that you see do something illegal?? fucking ass clown!! take care of something yourself instead of just telling on someone to someone else! im not a dope head but there is no way i would have done that! plus all you guys who said they would do the same for $500 are losers because that wont get you shit!
Get a paying job! Like the dealer! Poor dude in jail now & all his junkie addicts are going to too rob someone or go some where & get killed cause there dealer is in jail! You fuckin suck as a person to do that! Let the police do it!
wow.... 'snitches get stiches, and then lye in ditches'? 'suck my dick?' 'piece of shit'? how old are you, people??? oh yeah, that's right... you're prob in HS and think you're so badass for smoking pot. Every pot dealer I know is a skinny pussy ass guy anyways. AND cops wouldnt give $500 reward just for a pot dealer, people! Quit your bitching!
if any of you who have been saying you'd call yourself in for $500 were actually a drug dealer, you'd be aware how stupid that statement is since you could make $500 in a day or two. nice job, guys.
Yeah you're a waste of life. You cant get your own rent money without snitching, yet you turn someone in who's trying to get money too (Except without bothering others)? I hope that dealer finds out you turned him/her in, which is very likely. Then justice will be served. Pussy
chances are if its a pot dealer he definitely would not get stitches for being a snitch, every pot dealer i know is a skinny little bitch. and they dont carry guns. because theyre pussies. not that carrying a gun makes you a man.
Everyone who says "watch your back" or "snitch" obviously does some type of drug...fail. And I fail to see 2:52s point saying "bad karma." I don't see how doing something supposedly good would get you that. Once again...fail. I would too call myself in for $500 and good job.
Most of the people posting on here make me want to set the whole world on fire. At any rate, you fuck-head druggies think you're so bad? Who says the drug dealer is a badass? He might be EFFING RETARDED. Fuck 'em! The cops are tough too, man. They'll fuck you til you're blind. Have a jolly day.
4:02 is actually hilarious if you guys have ANY humor whatsoever :-\ And I agree it kinda sucks being a female martial artist of any kind because of physical build disadvantage... but then again I took away a LOT more than physical stuff from time in it. It's character and dignity and all that shit more than anything.
if this texts is even true he prolly knows this by now.....after you receive a reward for not minding your own fucking business, your name goes on a special list because you're not technically an informant ...an there are ways to go about obtaining that list which will have your name address an your reason for making that shameful list....take it from me bad career choice kids, people like us don't just forgive an forget....we don't play by the rules either, just keep that in mind next time you
lie* in ditches. the lye gets puffed after. haha and its prolly the dumbest thing ever. wonder how many drug dealers in 956 are gonna be breaking into their neighbors houses in the next couple weeks. talk about dumb. hope your 500 dollar rent was worth the 10 grand worth of damage your gonna eat when he burns down your apartment. guess how hard it is to make molotov cocktails? guess.
Weed is nothing in 956, thats like Harlingen right on the border. It was probably Meth, Coke and all of the above. I couldnt see the cops paying money for a pot bust down there. They get it at the check points all the time. Bad thing is if you snitch you might get caught some of the cops deal coke too haha.
i almost called the cops on my neighbor for free this morning- not because he was dealing drugs but because he was coked out and trying to kick down my front door while screaming at the top of his lungs at 5am. i think people that do drugs are fine as long they don't fuck with any one else
2:09 shut the hell up, first if its meth i doubt you need 500 for rent considering its probably a trailer...and not all drug dealers are violent thugs, and no one is making people buy the drugs from them, people start selling because of a high demand for it, not the other way around, so if you have a drug problem blame yourself
Females in MMA are hilarious. A feather weight (135lb) dude with average fighting skills can take on a middlewieght (185lb) girl whos expert level like it's nothing. MMA bitches are a joke. Fuck Texas.
Nobodys saying youre a loser for not doing drugs, theyre saying you should stop fucking judging people just because they decide to smoke a plant. Asshole.
if the dealer was doing something that negatively effected me in some way, i would call the cops. but if you called the cops just because they have a different lifestyle that doesnt effect you but also happens to be illegal and you needed money, then fuck you.
4:02 - LMFARO I'm not afraid of you. Chai Tea is a latte. I also took M.M.A. for 6 years. I'm a girl by the way. I wasn't raised to do pot or any of this little shit. I have proper manners, moron. I don't fight in public nor will I ever.
Wow. 956 is really ghetto. I live there.
I seriously can't stand living there. I'm one of the little snobs. Haha. I'm glad you called in those drug dealers.They deserve it. I'd call for free.
whats funny is he called the cops,, they got busted, went to trail, were convicted and got the reward all in the same day......cause thats how that shit works. + i'd also call the cops on myself for $500
Look at how upset all these low-life druggies are. They just feel threatened because they know they are sick and that going to jail is what will happen to each and every one of them if they don't quit. I've been off drugs for a year now and my life is 100x better. I actually HAVE a life now! Go get help people...it's out there.
Dude, I smoke weed every day and I love my life man, I'm also in college and maintain a 3.2 average, I also have a social life and enjoy smoking weed everyday. Not everyone that does drugs is an asshole low life, and frankly I'm mad at the sterotype; if it's good enough for our four fathers, it's good enough for me
Submitted by
on Mar 11, 10 at 12:50pm
Oh that's brilliant!
Go around saying how you made a drug dealer get caught, real smart.
I hope you don't have kids, because it looks like they're gonna grow up without a daddy and probably end up as dealers themselves...
There is a lot of hostility going on here. I think we all need to mellow the fuck out and smoke a bowl. Oh wait...I guess the OP made that out of the question. ASS HOLE!
I would have done the same thing. If I can tell they're dealing drugs (I'm not the kind to look for it, and if people keep to themselves I don't much care what they do) they're obviously affecting other people.
Also, not all drug dealers are the kind you see on TV. Grow up. And, if they do break into where I live, I am within my right to defend myself and happen to be armed.
Hmmm...I wonder if i will get a reward by the Cops for reporting the fight, AT MCDONAALDS, for saving that clowns ass while hes getting his HUGE ass face kicked in????
Wow...Okay... No one is going to get a $500 reward for snitching on someone who has a little weed, so if this was true, then it was obviously something a bit worse than that..
Hahahaha! Nice move! For $500, hell yeah I'd turn in the local half-assed dealer. This shit ain't "Boyz 'n the Hood", every dealer I've known was a giant pussy, wouldn't hurt shit. Take the profit, my man!
hahahaahhahahahahahahaha all this shit is hilarious, to all t he badasses, everyone can act tough on an anonymous website, but the shit is illegal....ILLEGAL, in case you were ignorant the first time the word appeared...40-50% of murders go unsolved in most places, so the ones who have the best chance of being in that crew are the dealers and the users...sweet, im glad we cleared that up
so did you just wake up one day and decide "im going to suck at life today"....and im guessing you texted your parents bc im sure no one would actually want to be your friend
Yeah, because those drug dealers are reading this right now, plotting their revenge. SHUT THE FUCK UP! WE GET IT! You do drugs and everyone that doesn't is a tool. Enough with the dumb ass threats.
okay, all i would like to say that if the dealer was dealing weed, wtf dude why'd you have to call the cops? there are things out there a lot worse than weed. if it was like coke, heroin, meth, etc. okay, i get it. i wouldn't want the people who use that stuff around my living space either. but i still don't think i would call the cops.
hahahah this is the funniest thing ive seen today...
personaly i think its great that you did that, why would you want to live next to a dealer if you dont buy for them? lol..
You're fucked, man. Getting 500 dollars for a drug bust does not mean it was simply weed. And all of those who are saying "who's going to get you while that guy's in jail" are fucking stupid. Clearly this guy KNOWS other people in this business. They WILL find out and I wouldn't be surprised if they went to get you. They are definitely not scared to do so.
if a dealer is being discrete about his biz, then the texter is a asshole, if the dealer was being a asshole then you had the fucking right to cash in. show respect to the people nearby the dealermans house or this happens..
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