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  • 11:07 thats funny,,, your husband and I high-five after doing it as well....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 11:38am
  • Sometimes my husband and I high five after doing it. That's why I love him.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 11:07am
  • 12:37 qft who the hell brags about supposed sexual prowess on an anonymous website?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 3:02pm
  • Way to go STL! I love when girls have attributes like this.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 12:43pm
  • Haha great stuff, your a keeper

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 8:51pm
  • Is this West County or St. Charles? And yes, my fiancee and I high-five after doing it fairly regularly.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 12:06pm
  • Post-coital high fives really are the purest expression of love.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 19, 09 at 7:26pm
  • Ha. My boyfriend and I have high-fived also.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 11:55am
  • I have 100% given a high five as a goodnight kiss. I may not remember it, but I can guarantee that I have done it. Good for you!! haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 10:47am
  • seriously, who high fives anymore? oh wait, this is from Jefferson County or St. Charles, that makes sense

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 7:25pm
  • Yeah... I was on the receiving end of a high five once. Not a fan. But maybe if the high five was coupled with a kiss/hug, then I am down.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 10:57am
  • God this reminds me of a few of my friends here in St. Charles.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 23, 09 at 7:25am
  • 3:02: HAHAHA! True!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 4:39pm
  • I'll be your Mr. Tonight if you give me a high-five. I'll leave quietly too, but you won't be quiet when we're going at it...that's for sure

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 10:38am
  • St. Charles! Not a dude.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 12:34pm
  • hilarious, keep it up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 12:34pm
  • yeahhh representing the St.Charles ladies!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 3, 09 at 12:32am
  • I'll be your Mr. Tonight if you give me a high-five. I'll leave quietly too, but you won't be quiet when we're going at it...that's for sure June 18, 2009 10:38AM If you have to brag to perfect strangers then I would imagine the only reason she wouldn't be quiet is to explain what you are suppossed to be doing. My guess, you are probably too young to be reading this website.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 12:37pm
  • high fives are so 1995, you should have given him a fist bump to cement your status as a douche bagette

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 12, 09 at 5:15am
  • this a dude or a girl?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 10:56am
  • ...and don't you feel better for it?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 12, 09 at 1:28am
  • 5:15....douche bagette...WIN

    Submitted by zoeythepenguin on Jul 8, 10 at 10:51am
  • 5:15 and 7:25 either you dudes hook up with the worst stuck up bitches and are upset you can't have fun AND have sex at the same time or you're only pissy because your pocket pussy sprung a leak

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 25, 09 at 9:19am