you're all dumb if you hate california you're either jealous you don't live here or live in the desert and no where near a beach...but you're right your hick towns might be better than a 70 degree climate year round and half naked chicks
So Cal=best place to live EVER! hey 9:20....piss off, I live less than an hour from the beach, mountains, desert, river, lakes and Fuckin Disneyland... what u got?
They're all just too poor to live in Cali. Silly poor people. We have little meth cabins out in the boonies just like you live in, so feel free to go blow yourself up in one!
California is fucking amazing. No matter what. Everything about it from the hot beaches to the hot girls. No trashy east coast bitches or anything like that. Especially the 707 and down in socal.
Fine. Can we atleast all agree that norcal sucks donkey nuts? I've lived all over this country and outside it....and norcal still blows. East coast love, bitches!
you're fucking stupid-you only hate cali because you have a 760 area code - probably a bro douche bag - stop blaming cali and get some class and a 714 area code haha
9:20 is just pissed because California is better than his lonely ass square state, which is where he's probably from if he hates CA like he says. Nothings better than the West!
california is such a great state, unfortunately we all know that and other states think we're extremely pompous for it. however, if they lived in california too, they would act the same way.
California is dead broke and 2/3 of the kids are born on welfare. CA sucks just because of this alone. And the idiot that said people are too poor to live here look at these facts you tool.
yeaaa... 12:32 we DON'T have trashy east coast bitches, we have trashy west coast bitches. Especially 707, you like like cows eh boy? Oh sonoma, and socal, silly silly places. There are amazing places and people here, but I think the texter summed it up.
You only think that beacuse you haven't lived anywhere else to know it's not shity, and if you think it's so bad MOVE, your 29 stop living with mommy and daddy and make your own choices.
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