860 hello to my fellow CTer... first mistake was stopping in Mississippi, "You ain't sound like you from around here boy." haha. The South does have some hot women, but remember there's like a 30% chance of bumping in to a fat chick where as it's about 9-14% chance up north and there's about a 100% chance that the hot chicks have already been shottied by their brothers or dads :-D
2:49, i lived in Ohio for 12 years and then moved to this shitstain they call Mississippi. this is the only place ive ever seen that your "cool" if u wear camo everyday. rednecks....
to all the yankee fucks who keep telling southerners to "get over" the civil war, i'll just say that we'll get over our loss when the blacks down here stop asking for us to repay them. slavery was just as far in the past as the civil war... farther actually. and besides if it wasn't for us, they wouldn't be in the land of opportunity in the first place, they'd still be walking around barefoot with flies in their faces.
That same thing happened to me while I was in New York. I'm from California, got on a bus with a bunch of people from the south, as soon as they could they stopped me and asked me the same question. I responded with "You're the ones with the accents"
Alright well I will just tell you that Ole Miss has the hottest girls in the country. That has something to do with 80% of the campus being Greek. Yankees probably couldn't fathom a Greek life like we have down here but trust when I say it's not ignorant or uneducated. And definitely not poor
LOL 225 on the 30th...Really any southerner can beat a yankee? World Series...Yankees/Braves...Yankees 8 wins, 2 titles, Braves 2 wins total...u wanna go further back and ultimate trump card Civil War...America Fuck Yeah...Ignorant hicks fuck you
By the Way Just so Everyone knows McDonalds has one of the highest rated management programs in the country so before you deiced to bash on the people who work there you should get educated. They can probably teach you something.
What the hell is wrong with you people?? Ever heard of Creol? I am surprised anything was understood. And the fact that this was heard in MCDONALDS even brings up the fact that the man was probably one of the most uneducated individuals anyhow. And by the way, yes, I do live in Mississippi.
True, Mississippi has some uneducated citizens; however, we are the state that produced Tennessee Williams, William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Beth Henley, and Willie Morris, B.B. King, Robert Johnson, Cassandra Williams, and Ike Turner. Elvis was born here; Britney Spears went to school here. Aside from personal feelings about Spears, we've cranked out a lot of talent in the last century or so, y'all. Even with our undecuated lot.
10:58- $22 Mil you say... I'm positive that's not your wealth that's how much Mississippi has as a state pretty sad really... you guys can at least pass Alabama :-D
2:39 - I never said I thought that... you're the one generalizing. And I've spent plenty of time abroad, so I assure you my genitalia is just as "cultured." Let's get together for some cultural fun time!
2:25 you have a chance at beating us up because we are usually stopped with a look of puzzlement on our faces trying to figure out what the hell you said. And yes southern women are hot
It always annoys me that people think that accents are only things "other people" have. I don't care if you're from Alabama, Alaska, Maine, New York, California, New Mexico or Illinois; YOU HAVE AN ACCENT. You just never notice because you're normally surrounded by people who sound the same.
this whole thread is ridiculous... both sides are showing ignorance on all issues and stereotypes. Maybe you kids should stop smoking so much pot, bangin coke, and takin X, and worry about your future... or just be another statistic...like most of you will be. Oh, and i'm from the "SIP".
2:29 - we "talk all white n shit" because it's easier to read than the crap you keep throwing up there... I'd rather not take 20 mins trying to decipher your nonsense. Thanks.
2:25 yeah kick our ass like you did in the war... would you hicks get over it, you lost, it's over it was a 150 years ago haha
First 2:27- Agreed those of us north of the Mason-Dixon line love women with a full set of teeth and 50% genes from their Mom and 50% from Dad. Not 66% from Dad
2:44 - not just out of the county, thanks... I've lived in London and have traveled to a total of 11 different countries, and will be adding one more to my list this year... And no, I don't think it makes me special - just figured I'd share.
5:00PM- yeah most of the women aren't fat in Louisiana, it'd have to be over 50%, but it's still above 25% obese because that seems to be the average for the South. But, like 3:35PM said all of the hotties are already with their brothers!
Holy shit, 4:33 settled the whole issue! If they go to a certain university and join a sorority, they can't possibly be ignorant racist redneck goatfuckers! Wow, how did I not see that much sooner??
hello silly southerners. not really sure how you can claim having the country's hottest chicks when 50% of the obese population in this country lives in the south. bigger def not always better.
Umm, have any of u stupid people stopped to consider that maybe the person from Atlanta throwing around racism towards whites is maybe just maybe the same white person that was throwing around racism towards blacks like a week ago but kept getting shut down? Oh the nonsense on this site.
First of all it's M i s s i s s i p p i. If your gonna make fun of those of us who live in Mississippi please at least get your head out of your stereotyping ass long enough to insult us using proper spelling. Also the fact that you are basing your point on a mcdonalds employee is sad.
oh ok 2:35, because all the people from the south have no teeth and talk like a bunch of idiots.
I can garuntee I have been further in this world than you could ever dream to go, and been exposed to cultures you have only read about.
suck my cultured ballsack
4:44- you are a dumb fuck if 50% of obese people live in the south, then 50% of obese people also live in the north. Which makes americans equally obese!
6:27 umm slavery didn't end way before the civil war you idiot, the civil war was fought because the south wanted to keep slavery going and the north wanted to abolish it. your confederate flag is offensive because it stands for slavery and oppression
Two things : 1:09 is an idiot and everyone from the 860 does not have an accent. Some people in 203 have a new yorker accent but the 860 (along with Cali) has the closest match to regional-free speech. Thank you theatre training for teaching me that people from CT are superior speakers.
Mississippi holds its less-than-intelligent people just like every other state I have traveled. Please get over the dumb sterotypes. I've been all over the country and have seen some pretty ridiculous sights in just about every area covered. Please grow up. Oh, and Southern girls ARE the most beautiful...hands down.
I am a "Yankee" living in Mississippi, and I believe your point of mocking Mississippi people and their poor speech was lost when you incorrectly spelled Mississippi.
... Am I the only one that hears "retarded-speak" in my head when I see stuff typed out in ebonics?? Like my brain spazzes out and I can literally imagine some dumbass slurring out a bunch of crazy?
you know, mississippi was just named the fattest state in the nation... for the 5th year in a row... with a rate of 32.5% for adult obesity and a staggering 44.5% for childhood obesity. but alabama's closing in. oh, and apparently colorado is the leanest state in case you were wondering.
Fuck a stereotypical YANKEE. us southern belles will whoop your ass and still look mighty fucking fine will doing it. Thanks y'all have a greaaaaat day.
July 1st 12:58AM- yeah I'm really mad that I can't hook up with my sister and it'd be alright ROFL oh southerners... you guys just don't get it, you try though :-D. You get an A for being able to contemplate thought.
6:27- swing and a miss again for the south, but nice try at least it seems like you can read a book top 1% of the South... Spanish traders were mainly responsible for the actual transportation of slaves to the "Colonies"
5:49- yay for $100 dollars, please you people down south might as well use the fucking Mexican Peso. Rich down South means you'd be on welfare in the North :-D
Well, to be fair, the OP DID go to a McDonalds. You're obviously gonna run into some unintelligent people there (Not saying all fast food lovers aren't smart)
Im from Mississippi and will agree there are unedumacated people but I will say that your spelling of Mississippi is pretty funny. So here's to 601 making fun of your 860 text. Kiss the baby...
To the OP: Your I should be capitalized as well as McDonald's, which you left an apostrophe out of, and Mississippi is missing a "p". So maybe not everyone in the south is an idiot, and least we're not half as ignorant as some of the "Yankees" are on here.
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