you got kicked out last night because right after you said "whats up?" to us, you downed your whole vodka ton and threw it across the bar.
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10:37 tell them that, they kicked me out faster than Michael Jackson at a boyscout meeting. pricks
11:09. 11:18, 11:19, and 11:20 made me laugh out loud
10:58 is a retard, or is trying to point out the toolness of someone who would write vodka ton in a text message. kinda like 1:36 tried to
1:36, grammar fail?
...and fucktards spell it 'deusch'
1:36, badass people say vodka ton. Retards say duesch.
thank you 11:23 because most bars sell vodka in 2000 lb incriments
maybe it was a ton of vodka 11:09 were you there???
Thank you, 11:25. You made my day.
what kind of tool says vodka "ton"???? i suppose its hard to add the "ic" when your balls deep in some guys ass though. duesch.
I guess thats better than... Call me Mary Hart cause im Entertainment Tonight.... bastards couldnt appreciate the genius in that...
Seriously? You had to post that ^
i dunno which is better, the text or the replies
this text made me lol
its a vodka tonic you retards lol
how hard is it to spell douche correctly when bitching about how others talk?
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