both of you are fucking retarted, you for not "remembering" you have your period, and him for not realizing he was slurping on uterine lining.
I'm sick of people submitting fake texts because they think they are clever/funny/whatever
why don't you just not... you know, stain your panties? just soak them in cold water immediately, scrub them a bit with soap, then wash them. the stain goes away.
It is nasty, you throw that shit out, and buy new, and VS has cheap panties, like someone said 5 for 20, they u wear the expensive shit when u dont have your period!! But no you do not keep stained panties, thats is fuckin nasty, you need to send u some money for new ones???
Giving Merced the rep of us being retard country folk again! I swear there are smart people in my town. Now referring to this text, the girl obviously should have been prepared with fresh underwear and yes shit happens when in the heat of a moment, but it is still a little disgusting. It may be nature, but it isn't always pleasant, maybe someone will learn from their mistakes.
As far as the period panties go even if it's snood stain if you put meat tenderizer on the stain it will talk blood out because it breaks down the proteins that cause the stain:)so you don't have to buy new underwear so often and you don't have to wear stained ones.
wow. its amazing how classless bitches are nowadays. and i'm referring to basically everyone whose responded to this, especially the ones talking about their period-stained panties. have a little pride, okay?
Wow, I know I personally enjoy not having a stick up my ass all the time about what YOU might consider "ladylike", fuckin prick. What does it have to do with "women"? So we're in a different category from you and expected to be more classy? There's nothing sexier than a woman with confidence who doesn't give a shit how 'classy' she may be.
I think this is absolutely hilarious!!! A. it isn't gross, shit happens. B. everyone who is totally disgusted by it are probably immature teenagers...and no one wants to fuck them anyway! If you can fool the guy, do it.
11:11 2 how about we stop buying 18$ panties that we're going to accidentally start in or leak in and just keep several WASHED AND CLEAN panties that already have stains in them to wear when we're on our period
i like my panties and dont want to keep ruining them
dumb bitch
this is just disgusting...and yes i'm a guy, but it should be gross to girls as well. not the idea that you get a period, but that you'd have a guy go down on you while you were on it...he's disgusting too
Bahahahaha I just read this text out loud to my boyfriend... He is just staring at me...processing this information...still hasn't blinked...hahaha... But ye we both grossed out...who fuks on their period? Ewww!!!!
Girls have period stained underwear. Any guy that has dated a girl for more than 6 months knows this. Do I like it? No. But there are a lot worse things than seeing my fiance's period panties on the floor. Now if this is a random hookup then you have a problem.
this one is just plain wrong. its going to far. and this, right here, is why i have before, and will again if necessary, donkey punch a women if she ever pulled something like this on me.
A real man/woman would be able to handle a little mistake in forgetting something. The reason girls get trashy reps is because our culture is insecure and most get the impression that they're unattractive if they're not objectified and don't 'put out'.
honestly......Number one. that's sick, that guy must have been retarded or a closet and uneducated virgin..
Two. she's still nasty for doing that to him if he was a virgin..
And Three. She's gonna burn in hell!!!!
This is hilarious!!! hahahaha "I'm so classy..I NEVER stain my underwear! I'm the PERFECT girl!" LOL
LET'S BE SERIOUS. You've ALL stained something, it's impossible that you've never had an accident of any kind. Are you not human???
Get over yourself.
I thought this sight was for laughs??? Sounds like some ppl. are TOO serious over 'period panties'.
wow people need to get over themselves. some people enjoy sex and oral during a period. its extra lube. as for those dumb bitches saying they don't have period panties, they are the ones who have the most. we all have them, get the fuck over it and grow the hell up
why are people talking about periods/period panties and having coaching lessons about which underwear to wear during your period? is this a self help website?
uh 12:51 1. Go and finish high school so you can at least type in the correct manner. 2. Your probably not getting any at all and if you are "getting some" as much as you claim to be you probably are a big slut who will never have a real relationship because no one respects them grow up please, and yes i am young in fact i am fifteen but nothing you and your little uneducated mind can do that is going to hurt me.
I'm procrastinating and I just read all of that. I want to cry for humanity. A lot.
Your period panties should be black, and just don't tell most males about it. They don't want to know and/or can't deal with it.
Men do not get periods, and most do not fully understand the vag. Let it be. We can't fix them all, just fix your boyfriend and/or fuck buddies.
that is fucking disgusting. That is just so fucking wrong... and wtf at the people saying that its immature if people think it's gross. IT IS GROSS DON'T DO IT.
You've clearly lost complete touch with your natural being. It's human, bloody vaginas are NATURE at the core. It's obviously your choice if you don't want to do it, but don't go around telling women that something they naturally go through once a month is disgusting. What gives you the right?
There's no way he wouldn't notice vag blood, no fuckin way. But I can understand forgetting you're on the rag, we're not constantly thinking about our vaginas, it's not like having a cock
hmm i only wear the stained undies when im on my on period, if i JUST bought a pair of undies and their white, i dont see the point in throwing them out because of a small, light pink, barely there stain. i mean, i dont wear them when i know im going to hook up or anything. i also try to avoid going on dates when im on my period as well..
but a tip, girls if you have a pair of "period panties", make sure they're black! saves you the trouble of the stains :)
oh, and this text is gross, haha.
I love when nasty people like 11:41 claim that anyone who doesn't do disgusting things is "immature" or unexperienced. no, you are just nasty, and that is why no guy will ever call you back.
if you cant afford to replace your stained underwear then STOP BUYING EXPENSIVE UNDERWEAR. seriously. thats like buying an expensive car and whining about not being able to pay for insurance for it.
I've had my period for 5 years and I have no need to keep stained underwear around.
Really? Who honestly goes into long detail about the fact that they may or may not have "period panties." This fucking website was meant to give people a good laugh. Get the stick out of your asses and just fucking laugh at it. And nobody, I mean NOBODY, gives a shit whether or not you have "period panties". Fuck, people.
You girls are nasty, and im a chic! Take your broke ass to Victoria Secret and buy 5 panties for 20.00 and throw out that shit if they have stains. I would never continue to wear that shit, cheap bitches and their nasty pussies!
i think every girl owns a pair of "period underwear" so you people need to CALM DOWN. nobody is wearing dirty underwear...just stained as for the text...thats repulsive.
So the period part isn't gross, that's just what girls go through, but at least have the curtsey to tell your hook up that your on your period, so they can decide if they still want to hook up.
wow. just wow. go blog or something ppl. make your voices heard about nasty panties and erraticating them! Someone has to stand up for vaginas everywhere who are forced into stained panties...really ppl?
Wow. That's terrible. I was, emphasis on WAS, eating a cherry Nutri-Grain bar for breakfast. Not anymore.
And remember, it takes a brave man to swim in the red river, but it takes a hero to drink from it.
the girls who do this are probably the kind that dont wear period stained underwear, bc they dont think theyre bleeding
thats the kind of girl youre taking home
haha I remember all those women on that text about period stained underwear..."its natural and real men like it! its hard being a woman" haha dumb nasty cows clean your undies once in a while
Tisk, tisk. I had a guy beg me to let him go down on me when I was on my period, but I decided to spare him the pain. Some guys like that kind of stuff. He might not have cared.
you stick your dick in a girls mouth and vag
thats 100000 times dirtier than her washed period panties, idiot
guys dont act like your dont wear your sweaty, unwashed clothes at least once a week
your again, 100000 times dirtier than girls
if you hand wash it in cold water, right after it happened, then you can get the stain out. hot water makes the blood congeal, forming a permanent stain
I think everyone assumes the girl is just flooding out blood and lining. I get oral all the time when I rag and the man usually has no clue. It's not like the period just continually flows the whole time.
wow i love how everyone thinks this is so disgusting (which it is) but gets mad at girls for not wanting to suck dick all the time, saying that they are immature and closed-minded. pick your poison, both are disgusting
This is absolutely REPULSIVE!!! Also, black period patnties are a fabulous idea! I had a hysterectomy at 34, thank God, so now I don't have to worry about either issue...yay me!
And did I mention the texter is REPULSIVE?!!!!
Ok, for all of you women who have no clue when you're due for your period, get 2 things. A calendar, to start tracking your cycle, and panty liners. No stains, no surprises. Ready to hook up? Go to the bathroom, check yourself, toss the liner, and your panties are totally fresh. Also, why the fuck are you all having so many stains? Maybe you need to change more often of use something more absorbent, nast.
how about instead of yelling at all these girls to buy new panties, tell them not to leak? i never get bloody underwear, because im not too lazy to change my tampon, and as for not know when your going to start, most people get it in the morning not in the middle of the day. wear panty liners if you cant keep your puss in check.
2:11 i'm a girl and I have enough class not to leave stained panties around the house, much less wear them, especially since I have a boyfriend. sorry your fiance has bad hygiene. does she not try to clean her panties if she sharts in them too?
Whoever said that sicking dick is the same as going down on a girl on the rag is plain stupid. If my dick was bleeding or I dipped it in tuna then maybe,
I love oral sex on my period, and so do the guys I have been with.
I am extremely clean and it has always been them asking me.
Apparently none of you are even a tiny bit open minded to what sounds gross.
Unless you are afraid of blood, shut up.
Yo wearin staind panties aint wrong and u bitchez be frontin like its nasty gonna GET YO ASS CUT!! i hav my boys who gon rep for me sayin a classy momma lyk me wit my panties is hotter dan yall skinny prude bitchez so WATCH OUT IF U EVA IN DA HOOD!
Hahahah, wait, is this serious?\n\nAs much as I agree with you, you're totally illiterate, and the more you threaten the more I'd assume you don't know how to fight at all, bluh.
11:48 (1) my periods have been irregular for 6 years until now when I got on birth control, so I would never know when they were starting, and I don't wear or have stained panties. I have some class.
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