3:11 this is a geographical misunderstanding, grocery stores from were i'm from are called Jewel, i didnt say a jewelry stooore and why is pearl necklace need to be in caps, do you desire one?
The first time I ever had a girl do that, All I could do was blink and think to myself "Holy shit. She just gargled." Couldn't decide if it was weird or awesome, so I went with "both." Haven't had a gargler since. Glad to know there are more out there.
8:48 - that's how you do it...I just told that to my man today after I swallowed his cum. He asked how it tasted and I told him I bypass all the taste buds anyway!
1:29 (1) my ex boyfriend was like that, for some reason his jizz tasted absolutely disgusting and I hated giving him head. my now-boyfriends jizz doesn't taste like anything, so I don't mind at all.
6:50 - you're a piece of shit. if YOU thought about the woman at all you would respect it if she doesn't want to swallow you jizz. She just sucked you're dick, so shut the fuck up.
then again, your impotent rage would hint that you haven't been laid in a while. maybe if you pull the giant dildo from your rectum you'll get some pussy.
that would get weird if it happened every time...this girl i hooked up with twice would yell "give it to me big daddy" right before she would cum, it was fucking weird
wow. Reading TFLN has made me realize how lucky my man has it. I'm a swallower, squirter and suck his dick every chance I get. I love the taste of his cum... its like protein honey.
Its not nasty at all, I dont know whos dick your sucking. And my man always kisses me afterward. What I think is nasty is a girl that holds the shit in her mouth and runs to spit it somewhere, take it like a champ, get your lazy fat ass up brush your teeth and call it a day... 1:19
Wait, I really don't understand why girls think swallowing is so bad. I guess I used to think it was gross but then a guy once pointed out to me that it's what guys do when they go down on girls orally. They have to deal with the juices throughout the time, not just at the end. I mean really, just get over it and swallow already. It won't hurt you.
why would we swallow? first of all, too many calories. second, if you were a girl, would you want to swallow bodily fluid? you never know what it's gonna taste like. actually, if your girl
was a squirter, would you want to swallow that? probably not. double standards much?
the last guy i was with acted funny every time i tried to give him head. even if he was in the closet he still shouldn't have, right? said something about oral being 'dirty' fuck that. glad i got outta that relationship.
6:08 so is your outlook on sex and what the male desires, women are fucking stupid you want us to respect and think about your feelings and such well think about how we liked to be fucked every now and again!!!! i heart cock suckers!!!!!!
would the period stained panties person give it up. why is something like that empowering to the women of TFLN? i'm sure most girls have a pair or two like that they bury in the back of their drawer but seriously STFU about them.
sorry this girl thinks every girl should swallow, its finishing the job! do you leave early on pay day? No! You stay and finish the job same goes for swallowing
Why is this guy whining in the first place? She took his jizz in her mouth. I don't care what she does with it after that, as long as she gets me beer when she's done!
thers nothing weird bout her gargling, i dumped a girl for not doing so actually and idc
if they cant swallow or gargle i see it as disrespect, keep tht bitch
That's what's wrong with young women these days. They watch too much porn, and then think they need to act like a porn start to keep their men. It's disgusting and shameful. And young men watch too much porn as well, that's why they think that it's NORMAL for girls to act like that when, when in all reality it isn't.
ok, first of all, EW. I was with a guy once whose cum tasted like candy -that's the ONLY time I would even think about gargling it, cuz ick.
to 1:30 -you, sir, are a Man!
1:32 needs to STFU
i think guys should have to swallow their own jizz at least once to see how nasty it is! Then maybe they would really understand how high their expectations are. Hate to tell you guys, but it's nasty stuff!
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