Asking if people are virgins is stupid. You make the ones who answer no feel awkward and judged and the ones who answered yes also feel awkward and judged. You're not getting laid because of an overwhelming response, you're not getting laid because you suck at social situations.
okay WAY belated comment here, but you all may be idiots. Usually at at large gatherings when they ask "how many virgins" it refers to virgins to that type of thing. Meaning "how many ppl have never been to a thing like this before". Unless ur actually at some sort of sex conference...
you know..if you're going to go to a conference where this sort of question would be asked, and that sort of response would be given, you really shouldn't have expected to get laid at all.
Are you kidding? You'll get tons- all those types of girls are hypocritical slutty liars, or just trying to keep their parents happy while rebelling against the repression. lol.
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