Wow. Way to generally care about someone. Regardless if it's just a hookup, when someone's throwing up, you're supposed to make sure they're alright and send them on their way safely. It blows that standards are set so low that the OP represents the norm, and everyone praises the "nice" guy who is REALLY doing whats normal.
Logically, you should actually be asking the person throwing up what they want to do, not someone else via text message.
Of course logic is lost on some people.
apparently the correct answer is BJ... fuck you RN
Dont take advantage of girls.
It's wrong.
End of story.
Don't respond with stupid, pathetic arguements. Checking back is low on my priority list of life.
Get some hand lotion, smear it on ur cock and give hit the dirt road, I would also be donkey punching the puke outta her too, that way I'm satisfied and she's satisfied, I'd give her the best A2M she has ever had!!
After throwing up, def only anal.
Seriously @2:22 Thank you everyone for making the OP the norm! Because now I am the nice guy that girls love. Thank you all for enriching my sex life.
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