we need to go to the store. i'm tired of having bud light for breakfast.
do you want me to pick up budweiser instead?
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nasty, then you got beer breath all day. better off drinking hennigans.
Single Malt and toast.
Yuengling Lager, bitches.
Nah, keep the bud light
Mmmm (1)Canadian for breakfast, (3)Kokanee for Lunch and (???)Lucky's for dinner
Bud is the best beer known to man!
Upgrade to morning Gin Tonics. That'll guarantee an interesting day...
my life....in a nutshell
Sam Adams is by far the best domestic....Hofbrau is the best german, Pacifico the best Mexican....
Natty ice<3.. Bud is shit..!
I live in 702. Vegas, baby! That's the life.
Good shit. That's how we roll in Vegas bitches.
Coke n SoCo is the way I like it nomnomnom
Feel like sum cold pizza with that cold beer for breakfast.
Shah that's how me and my room mates are :)
Grow a pair and buy MGD
Bud is piss water. Step up your game fellas and drink better beer.
Never Shaun
Guinness is the way to go
Has to be someone from the seville house. haha
Bud Light is never okay...
bud light is the best breakfast.
breakfast of champions
Natty lights where its at
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