borderline child rapist??? when did staring at a nice rack all of a sudden mean u'll turn to raping the chick? also...who knows that she's a child, in the states u've gotta be 21 to buy beer...she could be 20 and buying beer and be 100% legal...god i hope u've never been on a jury
Coercing a drunk girl doesn't mean she's tipsy and flashing you and sucking your cock between puking in the bathroom. The difference between being drunk during sex and too drunk to participate during sex is obvious.
honestly, guys who think it's ok to violate women..or that some women deserve to get raped need serious psychological evaluation. Do you guys even have a mother or other significant female figure in your lives? imagine one of them being raped by a sicko like you. its not so funny anymore is it?
I think 4:22 acknowledged that men can be raped.
The only reason we haven't gotten to that point is because the men here are too busy saying that women are whores and deserve to get raped, making jokes about domestic violence, and whining that it's ok because women lie about being raped just to make guys feel bad.
$50 said getting away with this had nothing to do with boobs. First of all, that guy sees plenty of better boobs than that throughout the day. More importantly, he's a fucking cashier probably making no more than minimum wage. He doesn't give enough of a shit to pay attention to the names.
Guys talking about other guys being sexually frustrated are the real guys who are sexually frustrated. Fuck off with your high school consulet bullshit.
There is a difference between two drunk people having regrettable sex and a guy with too many beers in him taking advantage of a girl with far more. Same goes after switching the genders. If you don't know how to tell if a person is too drunk to give consent, maybe you shouldn't have sex with anyone sober either.
is it just me or do a lot of these girls need a hard dose if responsibilty. If you aren't mature enough to handle your liquor make adult decisions in adult situations then you have no business beingbthere same goes for guys. If you have to slip a roofie or duck a passed out chick then you are no better than the dogs you house as pets
Well, we could all start being responsible and not fucking people who are obviously drunk and obtaining clear, absolute consent and set the boundaries of said consent before having sex.
Nah, let's just stick with the drinking till almost blackout and doing whatever unless they scream no at the tops of their lungs. That girl in the mini skirt, totally asking for anal. Being backwards, overly prudish, and holding out-dated double standards doesn't hurt anyone right?
9:19, are you the same kind of person who thinks the woman gets what she deserves in an abusive relationship because she don't leave the guy who hits her?
1225 I believe that if women expect to be treated equally(rightfully) then they need to stop playing the "i'm a poor fucking girl" card. Own up to your shit. And in an abusive relationship there are alternatives to staying...I used to work in a DV ward. That is the dumbest thing you can do..
Hey people!
Thith ith quiet guy. I jith wanna tell ally fanth that I wathn't really gone! You are all thilly people! I'm thtaying ath long ath the man above allowth me.
Hugth and kitheth
Time to get defensive...
have any of you seen some of these 18 - 19 year olds lately? They look a hell of a lot older. You can't blame the cashier..especially if she had a fake ID.
My Aunt was raped...the cops wouldn't do anything...suggested she was "asking for it" because she was showing her knees in her dress (1960's)...but it's OK he's dead now...but it was a very painful death, of that I can assure you! Marine Corps training provided that.
1:33, how would 1:31's statement sound like small breasts? sounds like if she's a she, she probably knows firsthand how stupid guys get around a big rack.
Okay, I'm gone. I might be back when things calm down, but until then, this is quiet guy in the corner signing off. It's been...interesting.
quiet guy
Guess what? Probably better for your future that you let a "no" mean exactly that, "no." If you think she's lying to you, she's a capricious, manipulative girl you're better off not fucking. How about that?
1:47 Your examples are apples to oranges. They are neither related nor in any specific enough to continue any sort of meaningful dialogue. Maybe when you learn to form coherent arguments you'll be taken seriously.
I know this girl as well. She is an alcoholic who just got a boob job a couple months ago. So no wonder she's happy that her prized possessions helped her obtain alcohol. Fucking skaaaank
I was at a party with my friends and we all starting playing drinking games at this guys house. The party was getting close to the end and I was pretty drunk. My friends were leaving, but the guy asked me to stay and I did. We went into his room and starting fooling around, but I didnt want to have sex. I didnt say anything because he was way bigger than me and I was afraid he would hurt me. So I laid there and he raped me.
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