6:53, guess what? Your precious book also warns against the assumption of salvation and judging yourself instead of trusting god. I wouldn't be too sure you're getting into heaven either.
And should we be proving Zeus doesn't exist? It's Christians that can't accept their religion as mythology. I don't know any modern Hellenic pantheists.
Stuff like "gravity" and "inertia" are falsifiable because you can experiment to see if they are there or not; obviously you can't test to see if there is a god. If you don't know what I mean by falsifiable, take a psychology course at a good university.
I don't remember off the top of my head, but it was something about working with his hands that was improperly translated then misinterpreted. Much like everything the Bible says about women and gays in the New Testament. It's unfortunate that the Bible had so much potential to be a beautiful religion.
I have read the Bible, and it's the perfect evidence that Christianity is a fallacy, 12:00. I don't discount that there may be the divine in existence, but it's unlikely to be personified as an old white male. Why don't you research deism before you subscribe to historical inaccuracy and spiritual paradox.
12:29, amen. But Jesus was actually ripped and really tan. He was a carpenter that had to carry lumber across countries in the hot sun. >.> every country pictures him as their own ethnicity. America depicts him as white, Africa depicts him as black, etc.
Although you may have your opinion that none of it exists or that it all exists, the other side of the argument can still keep their opinion and neither of you can ever be proven correct (unless of course when I die I go to hell and that would sure suck).
Jesus wasn't a carpenter. It's a mistranslation of earlier passages that were referring to his alleged healing powers. Not that it makes a difference since he may not have even been a person, much less the son of god.
To October 1st at 9:51 PM and all the other people that are arguing against AND for religion in general:
Science can not disprove religion because religion and any god/spirits/hell/heaven are UNFALSIFIABLE. This means that nothing that science does can ever disprove that they exist for a fact because they are not in the realm of Science.
Shhhh stop freakin out over anything religious... It was a joke, get over it.. You guys just find something to flip shit over in anything people say these days. Shut the HELL up cause no one cares. Plus, this one was priceless.
6:53 sounds like judgment and self-righteousness. although that's the usual case with christians, the bible condemns such behavior. you're going to hell if it's real, bro.
i believe in god. i don't go to chruch, i've never read the bible, and i never claim that i don't judge people because lets face it EVERYBODY does. i live my life the best i can and try really hard to be a good person. if he doesn't let me in then i'll have friends in hell because he's not letting them in either
Okay, I'm an atheist, but I laughed at this text and that's the important thing. If Christians want to waste their lives judging others and praying instead of doing, let them.
Jesus is bomb. To all of you idiots who don't believe, go study a bible or something. Whatever, just don't impose your obviously wrong opinions to those of us in a higher state of mind. Yeeeah, I can be smart sounding! Take that weed.
The concept of hell is to scare the fearful and unintelligent into blindly following religion. Follow our rules or burn in hell for eternity, ha pussies.
Spell much, 9:10?! God I hope you're not in College.... Then again, wouldn't surprise me. Hope your parents' money is at least buying you good pot and better booze.
To everyone Knockin Religion.
Everyone has a right to their own beliefs.
I myself am Methodist, but its your choice to be Athiest or whatever religion/non religion you are.
So lets all stop talkin shit and just enjoy the texts.
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