So called my VP's house on Sunday drunk and told him that if he didn't hire me for the new position I would skull fuck his wife. They asked me to go home today. Thanks again Vodka
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I call bullshit on this one.
yeah, bullshit.. no one is this dumb. no matter how drunk.
Actually know of a guy that sent me a similar text with the same area code in Maryland. The story was total truth, he got fired...
I can vouch for it...Know the dude that posted it...It's 100% real.
Wow, what an A-hole.
i dont blame him. sometimes you just have the urge to skull fuck
this is totally fake. who did you text this to? you a-holes are making this less funny.
you're an idiot. not vodka's fault, YOUR fault.
He must want you to skull fuck his wife....
The best txt ever! I love this one. Haha.
That's how shit is ran in Baltimore
Stole this from Dane Cook. . .wow for once someone stole a joke from Dane Cook . . instead of the other way around
what an idiot! if this is real he totally deserved to get fired
You sir are amazing.
when did any of that thought seem like a good idea?
Nice work, you Tucker Max wannabe.
ocular penatration FTL
Chicks with one eye are hot. That empty eye socket is like a 4th hole.
By far the best txt on TFLN ever. Love it.
Bullshit....they put this fake ass text up and refuse to post my legit texts my buddy and I exchanged after running a train on a girl with a jesus fish tattoo on her vag.
who cares if its real or not. i laughed my ass off
hope the vodka was al ot smoother than your talking.
fake! and if it's real you are stupid! grow up!
I love this txt. Hahaha.
LOL real or fake still funny
vp= vice president. seek help.
You have only yourself to blame.
skullfuck does not mean usually mean mouth.... I would go for an eyesocket
only a guy would be that stupid, vodka or not that's taking it too far. Who the hell skull fucks anymore? Really.
Ummmm, Deet Dee Dee 4:03.....Vice President!
This sounds like something my ex-roommate would do.
If any douchebag tried to skullfuck me, I'd walk away with part of his dick in my teeth. I control the head, not men.
fuck all of the "fake" people. stop being thundercunts and stop trolling. I could care less if it was fake, it was funny as fuck.
that seemed like an not cool dude
hahahahahaha!!! Love vodka, even more now because this text made my whole day, way to go Vodka haha!
4:18, you spelled dee dee dee wrong, you dee dee dee.
Wow thanks to this complete jack ass, there is now one more available job in this shitty economy. U sir are an enormous ass pirate.
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