agreed with 11:37 (2). But why would she say that she would kick someone's ass if she found out her husband was doing it when she was doing it herself. HYPROCRITE.
I'm not one to judge but that is horrible. That shows no respect for yourself. Her actions can only be defined as slutty.... When she walks in one day on her "husband's balls deep in some ho" (as she so tastefully put it) she'll truly then know how the wife felt. Cause you know it's gonna happen to her.
okay, I just have to say that for all of you who are bitching about religeous people, GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! And I say that with the love of Jesus in my heart.
August 29, 2009 7:29PM
way to go. you have proven that christians are idiots. you shouldn't be on this site. SINNER.
Why is the wife the one being called Fucking crazy? She's being the bigger person, she's trying to do the right thing. The OP is the one screwing everything up.
okay, I just have to say that for all of you who are bitching about religeous people, GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! And I say that with the love of Jesus in my heart.
OMG people take this shit so seriously, it's entertaining. Anyone who cared about being judged by random people on a web site probably wouldn't be texting her anal sex stories to a friend. Save the lectures.
People have a problem with the religious wife? Um, how about the OP? What a fucked up fucking slut bag whore to sleep with a married man. Fuck all the stupid sluts that go after married men. There are plenty of single douchebags that will fuck you at the bars. [PS--I am not married, but the fact that people do that and think it's funny really bugs the shit out of me.]
What I want to know is, how did the wife know it was anal and not just doggy-style? Unless she like snuck up on them and peered over his shoulder, or if one of them was yelling about it and she overheard, I don't see how you'd be able to tell.
And to 12:06, I agree that it's on his head to make the moral decision to cheat... but it's also on HER head, assuming she knew he was married, to be part of the cheating. Most of the blame on him, but no pass for her.
11:58AM, I think she's saying if she were married and her husband was cheating. Clearly this chick isn't married, and it does not rest on her shoulders to make the moral decision to cheat. That's on his head.
the wife: maybe a boring woman who deprives her husband of dirty sex. the husband: a cheating dirtbag, to much of a coward to leave her and get things straight. op: a homewrecker. there is just no utterly good person in this.
the wife: maybe a boring woman who deprives her husband of dirty sex. the husband: a cheating d.bag, to much of a coward to leave her and get things straight. op: a homewrecker. there is just no utterly good person in this.
"Sodomite", to a religious person, refers to Sodom - a land where sex was supposedly very casual. Calling you a sodomite doesn't have to refer to actual anal sex.
At least she knows she's a hoe. Maybe there's a chance to intervene after all. The zealot probably already put a curse on her anyway.
-The quiet girl in the corner.
3:01- I think everybody missed that. "Whore" was not an adjective; it was a career choice for this stupid crack whore.
OP- post your number so I can play Ass Pirates with you. I got cash, box wine, and crack.
Historically the word sodomy could include anal or beastiality, however the more modern legal definition in the middle east is specific to anal between homosexual males.
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