okay i'm not sure why you would ever wish an eating disorder on someone, or want your girlfriend to have a slight eating disorder, because they're incredibly painful. that's what i think is wrong with you wanting a girl with an eating disorder...
honestly people--if you knew anything about the 847 area code you'd know that eating disorders run rampant through the area. Don't judge--he likes what he's used too.
stay skinny 847--otherwise people will hate you.
It is because of people like you I find so many women out there destroying themselves for no good reason. Not to mention that I know plenty of women (that you would drool over I am sure) that don't have either of these problems.
Become a real man you prick.
No, you girls are incorrect. The reason you have eating disorders is because you don't have a brain. Trying to impress a jackass like this is where you went wrong, not that anyone is forcing you to do it. Try impressing someone worthwhile, someone who doesn't want you looking like you came from a refugee camp. The blames all on you, I'm sorry.
What the FUCK... do you even understand what an eating disorder is?!?!
People kill themselves over problems like that!
You want a suicidal girlfriend?? What a SICK FUCK!
is sin, that true love is a pure emotion of the spirit. And then he will wonder why love brings him nothing but boredom, and sex- nothing but shame. Only the man who extols the purity of a love devoid of desire, is capable of the depravity of a desire devoid of love.” -Ayn Rand, ATLAS SHRUGGED
ahhh, i see that i have some competition in this aspect...i'm sorry that i like my women just a little on the crazy side. what can i say, i thrive on the unexpected. its a challenge, its fun, and the crazy women are smoking hot
story of my life - if i dont make a girl feel like she has low self esteem she wouldnt give me - or any other guy - the time of day - i dont do it to put em down - it just... works
If only has a slight eating disorder, it's unlikely she's dipped down into the bones poking out look.
But honestly, a girl who just takes care of herself - works out a lot and doesn't eat junk food all the time - would look better than a girl who avoids eating or throws up after meals.
Well as the author of said text, I'm flattered by the response is received. Never did I expect tfln to have such passionate commentary. If it makes you feel better I wanted to hold a philanthropy in college for my fraternity focused on eating disorders(primarily to help my cause of penetrating some skinny sorostitutes).
Yes we can.
I agree for the most part, but he has yet to discover that pure love is not devoid of desire. Pure love heightens the purest of desires. Sex within marriage is not sin, and it is not shameful...but the expression of the greatest bond between man and woman. It was made to be beautiful. If only the man who is convinced of his own worthlessness could see himself through the eyes of the woman who loves him for who he is and values his worth. Maybe then he would begin to understand.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with a big ass elephant sitting on top and going to town. Hell, there's no problem with me having to hold her stomach up either to get work done. Thanks for your time.
Yes. And I am a naturally skinny girl who spends my free time working for an Eating Disorders coalition. It's all fun and games until your teengae daughter decides she doesn't want to eat anymore and a doctor tells you she can eat or she'll die. What else can I say, kharma is a bitch dude.
i love these stupid fat girls whining.
fat girl: this is what women are SUPPOSED to look like. women have CURVES.
dr. house: you have little people growing inside of you.
"But a man who is convinced of his own worthlessness will be drawn to a woman he despises… His body will always follow the ultimate logic of his deepest convictions; if he believes that flaws are values, he has damned existence as evil and only the evil will attract him. He has equated virtue with pain and he will feel that vice is the only realm of pleasure. Then he will scream that his body has vicious desires of its own which his mind cannot conquer, that sex i
you don't have to be ugly to hate guys.
If you're a skinny and hot chick, you have probably dated a lot of shallow assholes like the ones on this post :D
which would motivate you to hate them.
go fuck yourself you stuck up snob bitch, you are the reason girls like us have eating disorders for three or four years. your a piece of shit and the only person who fuck you is yourself. i will beat your ass myself even if i am a girl. you have no idea what girls think when they hear shit like that. if you think that keep it to your fucking self, you dick head bag of douche. dont put this shit on here again.
This entire thread has caused some of my faith in humanity to shrivel and die.
From now on I think I'll just read the funny texts and ignore the stultifying idiocy contained in these comments.
-Enough Self-Esteem Not to Breed with Any of You and Pleasantly Anorexic in Seattle
you know how many girls are actually like that? A lot. Id say about 50% of girls I know either have an eating disorder or have suffered from one at some point. And everytime I tell my boyfriend I want to be skinnier, he tells me that no guys like girls without curves. Clearly he's wrong. This text makes me wanna weigh like 95 lbs haha
My friend almost died from an eating disorder. Now her body is permanently fucked up and she now lives everyday like it could be her last due to heart problems. Go fuck yourself you son of bitch. You seriously fuck girls heads up saying shit like that.
Wow.. It's awesome how pissed people got over this :)) I thought I was funny as shit but the peoples responses are even better hahah go team!! And for dude.. It good you have a type
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