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  • Just split the cost and the next time you decide to have sex, graduate from middle school first.

    Submitted by maskedman on May 8, 10 at 2:25pm
  • I hope you're ready to pay thousands of dollars a year until the child's 18 then

    Submitted by leahhhhh on May 8, 10 at 2:08pm
  • Fuck pride. Man up cause a kid is no joke

    Submitted by pike1346 on May 8, 10 at 2:52pm
  • Plan B: it's cheaper than child support. Also, obviously, you lack the maturity to be a father.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on May 8, 10 at 2:52pm
  • ummm.....this is a major fail. just suck it up dude, and try going to planned parenthood. its usually cheaper there.

    Submitted by dancerox9008 on May 8, 10 at 2:44pm
  • you've got your pride, and now she's got a baby daddy...way to go!

    Submitted by kissmyasss on May 8, 10 at 2:38pm
  • Stop with the fucking plan b texts. It should be called plan b from last night now

    Submitted by sarahjay on May 8, 10 at 2:59pm
  • If only they had Plan B when your parents decided to knock boots. You serve no purpose in society but as fodder for the argument against evolution.

    Submitted by citizenkane on May 8, 10 at 3:39pm
  • Both of you are fucking morons. Stop relying on Plan B. Good luck being a parent

    Submitted by LynnZee on May 8, 10 at 2:53pm
  • plan b should be exactly what its name describes, your back up plan. you should e using protection and she should be on the pill, so this text should only pertain to you having to buy it one time. so get the fuck over it and buy the drug or else stop having sex, your choice

    Submitted by massgirl88 on May 8, 10 at 4:08pm
  • Maybe I should invest in THAT company...

    Submitted by specks88 on May 8, 10 at 2:20pm
    • Damn it! That's brilliant! With the number of texts about plan b the price can only go up! *runs to invest as well*

      Submitted by AbortParasites on May 12, 10 at 5:55pm
  • Try paying for a condom next time.

    Submitted by RussiaSovietsYou on May 8, 10 at 6:24pm
  • Moron

    Submitted by evolwayz on May 8, 10 at 3:09pm
  • Stupid douche... Pay for the plan b or an abortion, which is more expensive. Or you couldve just been smart and used a condom! You both are assholes!

    Submitted by mybizzy on May 8, 10 at 3:41pm
  • will you still have your pride when you have to go to court for not paying child support?

    Submitted by Anonymous012 on May 8, 10 at 3:05pm
  • I hope your pride can pay the bills. You both sound like grade "A" parent material.

    Submitted by squibkick on May 8, 10 at 3:46pm
  • Plan wire hanger

    Submitted by jessica173 on May 8, 10 at 2:35pm
  • youre both gonna pay

    Submitted by mitchell on May 8, 10 at 7:17pm
  • Ya it's a dangerous " game " for u so called " adults " but hey u are talking about a child here a real child!!!!!!! WTF I hate ppl like u !!!! If u don't want kids get ur nuts clipped n for girls get ur dam tubes tied !!!! That way kids aren't brought into our already messed up world by sorry ass ppl !!!! N u know ur not gonna pay child support so go buy the damn thing retard

    Submitted by wonkie on May 8, 10 at 2:48pm
    • I only gave this a thumbs down because you can't write English. I do agree with your sentiment.

      Submitted by bananastand on May 8, 10 at 3:25pm
  • You're an idiot. The end.

    Submitted by turbopanzer on May 8, 10 at 3:18pm
  • 55 is the average; more or less depending on where you go

    Submitted by Zombehhh on May 8, 10 at 2:08pm
  • Plan B isn't that damn expensive... 20 bucks!!!\n\nYou may have your pride but you may have retarded baby on the way

    Submitted by mclovin2010 on May 8, 10 at 2:45pm
  • Have fun being a daddy!

    Submitted by drakenkaiser on May 8, 10 at 5:14pm
  • hahahahahaha @ maskedman

    Submitted by philelias on May 8, 10 at 10:47pm
  • With parents like these its no wonder our generations is so messed up

    Submitted by sequioa on May 8, 10 at 3:53pm
  • wow you are both idiots. Hey maybe if you had used protection in the first place you wouldn't be involved in this dumbass game of chicken.

    Submitted by GoldenMe on May 8, 10 at 6:22pm
  • Where the hell do u ppl live that plan b is free at planned parenthood?!?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 8, 10 at 11:17pm
  • Leave her, either she wants a baby, or she is as immature as you.

    Submitted by Corekth on May 8, 10 at 11:07pm
  • just split it. it's both of your responsibility.

    Submitted by Anonymous1024 on May 8, 10 at 8:48pm
  • 3:41 -- how many girls have you seen that are the sole reason a couple decides to have sex? there are some, but from the characterization of this text I doubt that's the case here. the girl should never be expected to pay for everything regarding sex, just because it's her body. you sound dumb.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 8, 10 at 10:20pm
  • Any body seen idiocracy? Cuz this definitely proves that the movie was predicting the future.

    Submitted by mayp_mnm90 on May 9, 10 at 2:55am
  • you people have no sense of humor. fucking laugh and quit trying to lecture people on how to live their lives goddamn. and plan B is $60 fuck that tell her to take birth control

    Submitted by theriseofcolin on May 8, 10 at 11:24pm
    • tell her to take birth control? there are two sides of sex, shithead. you sound like a sexist piece of shit.

      Submitted by mk33 on May 11, 10 at 12:20pm
  • Why's everyone so self-righteous on this site? Learn to laugh and be glad it's not you.

    Submitted by 607 on May 10, 10 at 4:34pm
  • Planned parent gives it free

    Submitted by jade_ on Jun 2, 10 at 6:06am
  • that is fuckin hilarious

    Submitted by mojas7565 on May 9, 10 at 8:35am
  • This is the stupidist text I've seen.

    Submitted by tyleza on May 8, 10 at 3:17pm
  • Your pride is gonna cost you $20k a year, bro.

    Submitted by pringlepwner on May 9, 10 at 2:12pm
  • Somtimes no pride is better than a raging fat bitch making "exuses"

    Submitted by mackboy21 on May 8, 10 at 7:17pm
  • And soon, you'll have a baby.\n\nMan up, idiot.

    Submitted by supacutiee on May 9, 10 at 6:27pm
  • Dumbest thing I have read on here yet.

    Submitted by CDNguy on May 8, 10 at 4:02pm
  • you have to pay to play! if your that cheap

    Submitted by cutemau5 on May 8, 10 at 2:16pm
  • This is so hilarious.

    Submitted by sammijo77 on May 9, 10 at 5:04am
  • Are you honestly visiting this site so you can tell people what they're doing wrong in their lives? I don't know about you, but I come here to point and laugh. Y'all need to get a sense of humor. Just sayin'.

    Submitted by Indefinitive on May 9, 10 at 1:31am
  • Wow. Not enough of man to be responsible. What a pussy. Do yourself and the world a favor and grow some balls. And no, you don't have "pride," it's called stupidity and ignorance.

    Submitted by lg1275 on May 9, 10 at 7:26am
  • the longer you wait the less effective it is

    Submitted by hubertchosenburg on May 10, 10 at 1:38am
  • Sarahjay. Shut the fuck up. That made no sense. I love how people take shit so seriously when this entire website/app is devoted to entertainment.

    Submitted by blueberryluv2010 on May 8, 10 at 3:52pm
  • I'm sure other people have said it, but Nuvaring is $30-$35 for the month, and you don't have to think about it, or Plan B, $40-$50 a pop, and where continuous use has been shown to be hazardous to your health? Worst come to worst, just use a condom. Save your self some money, and this kind of situation.

    Submitted by Masquerade90 on May 9, 10 at 11:46pm
  • That pride is going to get you a child and 18 years of child support not to mention having her around for the rest of your life!!!

    Submitted by Bella_Kai on May 9, 10 at 12:53am
  • Dude never cave

    Submitted by _party_ on Jun 5, 10 at 3:25am
  • Does anyone understand that this was a joke?some people are so retarded, I actually laughed out loud when I read this. Everyone who is judging this person for having a sence of humor should go fuck themselves. You are all worthless people.

    Submitted by luskcameron on May 9, 10 at 3:23am
  • this is to all you idiots out there. PLAN B IS FREE AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD. and is not a form of birth control. the more you use it, the lower the chances are of it working. get CONDOMS and/or GO ON BIRTH CONTROL.

    Submitted by marieeeee on May 8, 10 at 10:27pm
  • She will buy it. You don't HAVE to deal with a baby but since it would be in her uterus she can't run away from that. She will cave and buy it

    Submitted by clinbri on May 10, 10 at 1:44pm
  • 7:26 is a woman. You can tell by how pissy she got.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 9, 10 at 3:07pm
  • well jackass would you rather pay for the plan b now or the child support till the kid is 18 ?

    Submitted by savvy340 on May 8, 10 at 7:50pm
  • rofl

    Submitted by May3rd on May 11, 10 at 3:16am

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 8, 10 at 10:31pm
    • uhm yeah it is. i've never had to pay for it before. walk in, show them id saying you're over 18 and they hand it right on over.

      Submitted by marieeeee on May 8, 10 at 10:34pm
  • this is to all you idiots out there. PLAN B IS FREE IF YOU GO TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD. \n\nAND IT IS NOT A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL.. the more you use it, the lower the chances are of it working. buy condoms and/or go on birth control.

    Submitted by marieeeee on May 8, 10 at 10:26pm
  • You suck. Just pay it. And why the hell don't you people use condoms? You really shouldn't be breeding

    Submitted by steelgoat72 on May 9, 10 at 10:43pm
  • 2:45 it's definitely more than that..

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 8, 10 at 4:05pm
  • What the hell

    Submitted by antrio1 on May 8, 10 at 7:43pm
  • can i tell you that i love you? fuck responsibility. unless you're a pull out failure, then fucking pay.

    Submitted by gratuity19 on May 10, 10 at 12:55am
  • It's good the have pride- especially when you're a parent. Good luck!

    Submitted by WorstTextEver on May 8, 10 at 3:52pm
  • That's what I call "penny wise

    Submitted by missbhavin on May 8, 10 at 4:42pm
  • How much that shit cost theres always posts like this

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 8, 10 at 2:05pm
  • Guys should NOT be expected to pay for plan b, or abortions, maybe go halves, but it's the girl's body and she should be responsible for it, if she can decide without the father if they keep the baby or abort it, then she can pay for the baby.

    Submitted by modernb on May 8, 10 at 3:41pm
    • So guys should not be responsible for ANY of their sexual actions/decisions? How about I don't fucking think so. If 2 people make a conscious decision to have unprotected sex BOTH should be responsible for the outcome or the disastrous fallout that could potentially happen. The end.

      Submitted by RaCk on May 8, 10 at 6:28pm
    • fact: kids have two parents. whether or not they're responsible parents is a different animal altogether.

      Submitted by TheNewGuy03 on May 8, 10 at 7:42pm
  • Shoot that bitch

    Submitted by Conor on May 8, 10 at 4:16pm
  • Fuck that dude! Hold out for as long as possible, the bitch will give in once she realizes she has to carry that parasite for 9 months...

    Submitted by hentailover on May 14, 10 at 1:12am
  • Horrible..

    Submitted by hazeddream on Feb 20, 13 at 11:28pm