they call her a killer, they call her a sinner and they call her a whore,\nbut god forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes,\n'cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose.\n- Everlast
It is a parasitic life form living inside of her, not you. I do believe it's her choice. Besides, overpopulation is enough of an issue. We'd be in trouble if EVERYONE had the stupid viewpoint that one should keep all the babies that end up in their womb because it's "murder" to kill them.
I think it takes a truly cold and soul-less person to refer to God's gift of life, aka a child as a how did you call it? 'parasitic life form' Here's the bottom line : If you dont want to risk getting pregnant , dont have sex , and if you chose to make sure you are using protection. If you then get pregnant grow up and take care of the repercussions of you're decisions. It's a little thing called being a responsible adult, some of you should try it. >_<
Well, maybe YOU should have unprotected sex and get pregnant. I can guarantee that you'd be probably be thinking the same thing as her. It's called keeping your opinions to yourself when it isn't needed. Maybe you should try it.
One of those shirts that say "Abortions Tickle" on them. Nothing will shut up a bunch of rosary-clutching morons faster...the stunned silence & their horrified faces are really a beautiful sight to behold.
i've had a similar procedure before (for a polyp, not a baby), and i would recommend some loose fitting pants... and don't ride your bike there. have fun with the cramping!
who says this was even a female anyway? this could have been a guy asking because he was going with a girl there. even so, there are no details listed as to why a trip to the abortion clinic is happening.
i dont even have to read this to know it's going to be a childish argument about abortion where i don't know why anyone bothers because NO ONE will change someone's mind over fucking TFLN.
To all the "never been in her shoes bitches": How are you preaching to this person....and on a website that is pretty much dedicated to fucking, drinking, penis talk, and fucking?? If you follow your own logic that abortion is "murder" then isn't using a condom a huge massacre of potential babies?? That's just retarded. Stop being retarded or your mom may start to wish that your daddy had worn a condom.
Hitlers mom was gonna have an abortion but her doctor talked her out of it... Think about that as well as how great of a person the baby could be.. There is just as much of a chance for the baby to turn out wonderful as there is for it to not.. There are two sides to everything
Shoulda used a condom! I hope ur proud that ur killing an innocent child! That child could be someone great! Someone who is a great addition to society! Think twice next time before u fuck without a condom!
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