Hold my feet while i lean out of the window of the truck.
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Now I'm not one to say texts are fake, but I doubt someone would TEXT another person this, rather than say it.
I lol'd...obviously
ah, manlaw... i hated you at first, but i actually look forward to your comments now.
hays cletus take holt of my two feets while eyeza hang out this here winda on this here pick up truck.......
You spelled 'dis wrong.
Kids riding w/parents. That will make anyone want to hang out of the window. Probably mom texting dad.
that actually makes sense
probably two drunk idiots screwing with the driver and didnt want them to hear
Please drop her please drop her please drop her please drop her.
If you are a pedicured hot girl, then yeah
.....You might be a Redneck.
I think we may have a new Darwin award of the year.
I love how he TEXTS this to someone else in the car
@manlaw6 I actually think you're right on this one.
i'd rather hold the camera
Fired for unsafe conduct in a vehicle!
The previous line was: "Hey guys, watch this!"
Who the FUCK would text this to a person. This would only make sense if you were doing some mission impossible shit.
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