Kissing is overrated. I kissed when I was in highschool. Now I just want to get to the good stuff. I've been with my husband for 9 years ( 7 of them we were dating before we got married- he's my highschool sweetheart, I'm his ride or die chick :)
Kissing has it's moments, for me though, NOT during sex. I like it rough and fun.
I know this dude that has slept with 65 girls and only kissed 4. The 4 he kissed he considered girlfriend material. The others he just wanted to bang...not sure if this applies to you but sorry if it does
I hooked up with a guy from november till february... we didnt make out till february once we started dating... then he cheated on me later...
stay away from dudes like that.
uhm maybe ur just a horrible kisser....
i hate it when guys shove their whole dman tongue down ur throat... its like are you trying to get my fucking tonsils
when i first started hooking up with my boyfriend--before he was my boyfriend--he wouldn't kiss me because that was very special to him. he only started kissing me--during sex or not--when he realized that he wanted more than a casual thing. this may be your issue.
I am positive that this girl only slept in the same bed with this guy, and she was taken aback by the fact that he was not just trying to get in her pants
wow i mean you dont get in bed with a guy before a decent date and a kiss. why are girls just so easy these days its ridiculous. I just have more respect for myself than that. sluts.
you have all turned a mildly amusing text into shit.
and everyone saying "gain self-respect" or "you don't have any self-respect" or "respect yourself to get others to respect you" blow it out your ass(es.) You're probably a +200lb female who wears sweat pants all day, and showers once a week, and you have the balls to talk about "self-respect"...??
now, to answer the original question - 4
i had that happen with someone i was hooking up with and called him on it maybe the 2nd time we got together. you'll fuck me but you wont kiss me? he explained it was more personal than the sex. WTF pretty woman!! but then it was all good after that and the sex improved 6 fold. my real hang up was that he didn't want to use a condom. how is that not more personal than kissing??? hmmm.... neeedless to say, that was short lived for a variety of reasons.
If you're having trouble with that, you're obviously not exactly what most would call....oh damn what's the word? ATTRACTIVE. That's it.
That or lacking far too many teeth.
If he doesn't kiss you the first time you have sex, you should probably accept that you are just his booty call. You probably aren't even his first booty call. You are who he calls when the cougar at the bar won't go home with him.
And if he is just sleeping with you, he probably has no desire to kiss you.
he will probably NEVER kiss you, especially if you are just a fuck guy friends dont kiss girls they are just fucking because kissing is very intimate.
no, sorry I am attractive and just happened on this web site, which I feel sorry for all you loosers, who will never find anyone worth while, your morals suck
Wow. FYL. If you want this then I'd suggest you start looking for guys who are relationship material and not hook ups, cuz what you've got is the later.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaah champaign urbana. if you met him at Kam's or Joe's or CO's it's likely he's not the type to kiss on the first, oh, nine nights...but don't worry, he'll still fuck!
Dude. I can't picture in my mind sex without kissing, maybe I'm watching the wrong porn. On the other hand, I did do lots of just sleeping & spooning & stuff with this guy that never kissed me, he had a girlfriend, it drove me insane. Post-virginity me wouldn't put up with that shit! It's no fun being in such close proximity to someone you desperately want to jump for an entire night.
If you mean actually sleeping, maybe you should make a move. He's probably a virgin or something and needs a little coaxing. If you want that inexperienced guy you must really like him, so go for it. He'll grow a pair once you get it started.
Hey, if that guy only has one leg I dated him and he didn't kiss me either. One of the main reasons he's in the past. Too bad because the sex was really good.
1- bad teeth/bad breath\n\n2- you're a low self esteem white girl with black guys\n\n3- you resemble a prostitute; he isn't sure if you have std's\n\nIf you: aren't #2, and you get your teeth fixed and let him know you're 100% clean and DEMAND kissing from now on... he will start kissing you! problem solved
hahahahaha... my current boyfriend used to have this ugly chick suck his dick when he was lonely at 3 AM... she's still obsessed with him. they never kissed. she swallowed his cum for months and she worst part is that she refers to him as her "big bro" to other people. yikes.
he thinks of you as a whore. and whores dont kiss, it creates "too much of a connection". so dump this loser and find a new one that may/may not respect you but will not think of you as a whore.
I have had many one night stands and friends with benefits but usually making out was the first thing that went on. If your lays are not kissing you that's YOUR problem. Women can take controll, too.
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