@11:53 Peace is not a motive of Christians. Feeling like they're holier than thou and frowning upon others who don't conform are their motives. Peace is created by those who worship none and accept that we are simply animals, and we should not kill our own species. Jesus is inconsequential to this realization. I'm high.
Occasionally you see a bookstore where the Christian reading is next to Homosexual literature. That's got to be humor in this same vein.
Even if it's unintentional, it's hilarious.
As Patti Smith said "Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine". I don't need your prayers. Kids in africa don't need your prayers. Prayers didn't solve anything. People solve things.
Dude...have you read a history book lately? All of the wars of the ancient world were religion based. Ask the Aztecs about the wars against the Portuguese, oh wait,they were exterminated by the Christians.\nThe Crusades of course.The wars between the Catholics and the Protestants in Europe.\nThe African wars between the Hutus and Tutsi's. + World War II had a religious edge to it, Hitler used the "Jews Killed Jesus" thing to gain support. Though you can argue Hitler wasn't religious.
Hitler's supporters were, why do you think he used that saying to gain support?\nAnd The Troubles in Ireland\nRwanda 1994\nBoznia-Herzegovina\nThe Ivory Coast civil wars\nCyprus\nEast Timor civil war\nSri Lankan civil war\nCurrent Iraqi civil war\nHezbollah vs. Israel\nSyria vs. Israel\nKashmir civil war\nChechnya civil war\nSudan\nThirty Years War\nDon't be such an ignorant hypocrite.
Yep. Thanks for reminding everyone of those horrible events. And don't forget the Congo has been knee deep in shit for about 3 decades now. Or Darfur. Or Somalia, Ethipoia...I guess there's not enough oil there to fight for those countries' citizens freedoms.
FYI the war between the hutus and tutsis was nothing to do with religion, they are both predominately christian, they are just different tribes. \n\nI wonder if the the Portuguese were more interested in the gold in south america than the fact the locals weren't christians?\n\nMost wars are about money and power. by the way i'm not religious.
the difference between the two is you can reason with an atheist. if you prove something to me i'll change my opinion, and act accordingly. you can't change their believes with 'prove'.. \n\nsorry to burst your bubble but saying atheism is as bad as religion just means you don't understand the difference.
fuck man. im a christian and i get the humor in this. we're not all fucked up in the head and drinking the koolaid and trying to "recruit" everyone in sight. sooner you realize that, i believe, the sooner we'll all get along...\n\nnow. on with the party.
Best selling work of fiction in world history. Obviously some shameful huligan had moved them all from the fiction section prior to this. You're a good guy to help the employees out, must've saved them at least 5 or 10 mins.
Christianity has done plenty to shun others who they think are below them or not as good as they are.
They've done plenty of judgements against those who are supposedly 'sinful' when they are just trying to live their own lives and be their own people.
Religion is full of hypocrites.
I'm glad somebody got the inspiration to put those bibles on the fiction shelves of the bookstore, or if anyone has really done it.
Thats where they belong.
your comment makes no sense. he's saying a lot of Christians are hypocrites that distastefully believe that if you don't go to church every Sunday or if you have parties and get drunk on the weekends then that makes you a worse person than them. I've been raised Baptist and I'm no longer a Christian- I've tried but once you reason it out it just doesn't fit and is not believable no matter how much I try. We took the Jew's book, and modern Christians were only here for a coup
Seems like your just as insulting and condescending as the people your talking about. . . . what was that word you used? hypocrite? Yup. That was it. If you don't believe in it than why insult those who do?
why dont we all try being tolerant of eachother and respect everyones beliefs
just because im an athiest doesnt mean i hate anyone who believes in god and you shouldnt either
Good call. People really need to lighten up. In America, we have freedom of religion and of speech. So shut the fuck up, haters, just calm down. People can express their thoughts on religion if necessary, or even if we feel like it. No one can say, "Oh don't do that you're wrong!" just because THEY don't agree with it.
I totally agree with what you're saying, don't get me wrong. But I just HAVE to point out the irony in how you worded it saying we have freedom of speech and then in the next sentence telling people to shut the fuck up hahahahaha
Uhm. I'm hardcore Christian and I found this HILARIOUS. Maybe some people just need to lighten up? Yeah? It would be a good decision, and probably stop the kids down the street from throwing eggs at snd toiletpapering your house. Get a life, and stop posting on things just to show how much you love your religion. If you don't approve, then just ignore it. Jeez.
Why would Bibles be filed under "fiction" when religion is its own category that indicates neither fiction, nor non-fiction.
People who try too hard to be witty usually fail.
12:02 Also don't even get into the fact that alot of greek and roman mythology gods are proto christ figures, which all pre date Christianity. So speaking from that sense the bible most likely does belong in the fiction area.
You're an idiot. Of course Greek and Roman mythology pre-date Christianity. Its only a little over 2000 years old! I think what you are trying to argue is that they pre-date the Judeo-Christian belief system.
This is so stupid. Religious texts and such have their own section in the bookstore... under "religion". It doesn't say it's fact or fiction, it just classifies it as what it is. Just like philosophy and cookbooks, it doesn't mean "this is the right way to think/act/live/prepare a chicken", it just categorizes it to make it easier for people to find it. Calm the fuck down and stop trying to prove yourself by making extra work for people that already have shitty jobs.
I have a question. What the fuck did Jesus do that was so great? Nothing changed after he left. He didn't save us from anything. It doesn't make any sense.
For everyone who is a moron and thinks this is offensive? The bible is fake. It's based on fucking hieroglyphs written by EGYPTIANS in 3000 BC. The SUN GOD RAH was the son of a virgin born on the 25th of December, was crucified and was reborn.
wow lol calm down hot shot. im sorry if you think its fake but i could really care less.. when this life is over we'll see who was right. and in your case i'd hate to be you. but ill still pray for ya
You know, I had the same philosophy about Santa for about 12 years. Every year I believed so hard, and the next morning I thought I was proven right. Then my parents realized I wasn't a child any more. Maybe it's time for you to grow up.
wtf are you retarded...The bible is not only a religious book, it's an actual dcumetation of historical events (at least partially) It has been proven that Jesus existed using science.
yeah it's true that jesus was a human who lived on this planet, but the bible is not necessarily a factual book. It contradicts itself. I basically view the bible the same way I view my daughter's Fairy Tale books - the stories (usually) have a good moral to the story, but I don't believe it's based on actual happenings. Be a good, honest person, help when you can and I think any God who can't love you for that isn't one I want to be worshipping anyways.
There is no evidence of an exodus from Egypt by the Jews, which is claimed in the old testament. That one fact destroys your argument. Fucking tard. "Actual documentation"? Other than the figures in the book being real people, there is nothing factual about it. It's a fucking law book to keep the poor and stupid under control. The only people who could write back then were wealthy men. But that's such an inconvenient fact to accept by fucking morons like you. "Actual documention"
I work at a bookstore, and people do shit like this all the time. Usually rather than moving entire sections, they just flip over all the atheist books, or the christian books, or the democrat books, or the republican books, or the books related to whatever other views they're intolerant of. It was every Obama book and magazine the other day. And yeah, it's a pain in my ass.
i don't understand why religious people are humorous.
obviously, people have different beliefs
but you are saying that christians think very highly of themselves,
when you are making fun of them for believing in a higher being.
it's just a little hypocritical.
9:45: I am god... there is no proof that i am god, but you cant prove that i am NOT god! Now obey my order, and walk around naked, like i brought you into this world, clothing is a SIN!
11:38 - If you just filed the bibles under fiction, where they belong in the first place, you wouldn't have to deal with all the "punks who make your job a living hell".
Also, if you can't take a joke at your shitty sales job, no wonder you think your life sucks, it does...but its your own fault.
@2 post above mine:
The earth is more than 6000 years you idiot.
The Big Bang was not an explosion, and saying "God did it" is not a valid answer, as it doesn't answer anything. You have no way of knowing if God did it, and even if we knew a god did it, how do you know it's the god you believe in?
Hooray for astrophysics, and its ability to define the creation of the universe in observable and definitive calculations far beyond that which any religion has ever dreamed up.
but wait 11:45...you yourself are judging us...I believe in God...and yes...he will judge you for being such a jackass. Hope you like "hell"...even though the afterlife is exactly what was happening before we were born...no conscious brain activity. You are a hypocritical bastard.
why in the fuck do people insist on calling it barnes and nobleS???
Noble is not plural you fucktards!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear, every time I hear this it's like nails on a chalkboard...
haha this shit is is so funny--whether it's real or not it's hilarious that so many lame christians are getting offended by a funny text message.
"GOD IS REAL" hahahahaha....
I'd like to meet the dumbass who convinced everyone that some "big bang" created everything in the universe. Anyone could tell you that shit is ridiculous.
doesn't mean you have to interfere with our opinions just because you don't believe in God. I don't go and put books of your beliefs in the fiction section.
hahaha love this, CLASSIC
3:38 terrible! but awesomely hilarious
dont take it personal christians, all religion is bullshit, yours is just a really easy and always funny target
gods dont kill people, people with gods kill people
there arent too many atheist that kill in the name of atheism, but a hell of a lot of religious people that kill in the name of their religion
lmao @ 'god rocks.' God, who in the Bible caused numerous acts of hateful destruction, murdered almost the entire human race, and selfishly demanded that people worship him on his word alone... yeah, he rocks. Oh yeah, he then murdered his 'son' and pretty much stopped talking to humanity after that.
I know dictators in the real world who do/have done similar things!
God did not murder his Son, He gave His only Son to be the Lamb of God, a perfect sacrifice for the whole world. When you insult my God, know what you're talking about.
What truly does not make sense is the "need" of a perfect sacrifice at all. If God is omni-powerful, then would he not have been able to create "Heaven" as the only plane of existence in the first place? Since he would have known his humanity would fail, does that not make him self-serving and unholy by creating a sinful race while having the "power" to create a perfect existence like Heaven, and thereby removing sin from the picture completely? To put it plainly, sk
what about when you die, is it a nice feeling to believe that you will never live again, that you will never be reunited with the people you loved, that you will never walk through the gates of heaven?
the truth is not always "nice".
1:13 The reason why there is a missing link with the evolution theory is because anthropology is fairly young as a science. And hasn't found every site, that or alot of sites have been destroyed by either nature or humans or built over with cities thus destroying any evidence.
I just read through about the first hundred replies and let me say this:
Every atheist argument had supportive evidence and logic.
Every religious argument was "HE IS REAL AND YOU'RE GOING TO HELL."
I rest my case.
September 22, 2009 6:19PM
Cry me a fucking river. Everything on this site is wrong. And no there is not a law against it, as a matter of fact, there is an amendment to protect it. Freedom of speech.
The fact that you can supposedly pray for me personally when all you know about me is the time of day that I posted on this site just goes to show what a rediculous notion "god" and religion really is. Thanks for the undeniable confirmation.
God already knows what i'm gonna say before i say it. Hence the fact i only have to say a first name or the "individual posting on this website at such a time".
I dont understand why the atheists on this sight are making all of these claims about christians...Christians are not placed on the earth to judge, that's Gods job....we are only asked to love, that's the central truth to our faith, "Love God, Love Others" what's to hate in that?
@12:59 just because I pray for people doesn't mean I'm trying to convert everyone. Everyone has their own opinions, which I respect but don't have to agree with.
There are some sensitive people on here. This is hilarious and totally worth the read!
Stop debating about who or what does or doesn't exist and enjoy the laugh. Sheesh. Things (the bible for example) only hold as much power as you give it! Smile, relax, and do your praying thing or whatever it is you like to do.
Kudos to you dude! Hahaha
Actually, recent discoveries about the origins and growth of the universe point towards it being remarkably counter-logical, defying what we know of physics and mathematics. While their may not be a sentient god at play here, our existence most likely began with a godlike anomaly.
Hahahahaha, someone who doesn't understand science! Way to hold America back! \n\nIt's called random SELECTION, cockbite. Read a science book, or if that's too hard for you, try watching a documentary like the Blind Watchmaker. It has shiny pictures that move across the screen. Maybe they'll hold your attention better.
maybe you should read a science book dumbass; what are you trying to sound like an intelligent life form by pretending you know what the hell you're talking about? Random selection has nothing to do with the beginning of existence.
i must say your argument is incorrect. having studied astrophysics for many years, recent discoveries do not point towards any godlike 'anomalies' or gods at all. astrophysics points towards the beginnings of time having been started as a "white hole" originally containing all of matter/energy/dark matter/dark energy. not a being that said 'Poof! Everything is here now.'
Um will you guys be praying/having a theological discussion before or after you read things like He started yelling "we're making a baby" mid thrust.. probably not the right guy for me right?
Just wondering.....would you people who are proclaiming the Lords name and the power of Jesus kindly post the names of the churches you go to on this page? I would like to email a copy of your statements along with this websites web address to your clergy. Im sure they would love to see what you read late at nite.
I turn the Pineapple Upsidedown cake upside down in the grocery store as well, we call it "A Reign of Terror" when we do it :)
Christians can suck it. We have to put up will your bull all the time, you deserve to be made fun of.
As stated earlier, this is pretty unoriginal. And it doesn't really make sense, because regardless of whether or not you believe in God many of the stories in the Bible are backed up by other reliable historical sources. So... even then it would most likely not go to fiction, because that would mean the whole thing or most was made up.
Dude u rock! I agree with u all the way! So getting shirt and makin the text BIG. hahaha stupid Church! Nothing against Christianity, it's just that the churches f'ed it up. No idea what I'm talking about? Read the da Vince code, that's MY bible!
Whoever said "when the world ends in 2012 you are going to hell" is really an idiot lol, Christians believe no one truely knows when the world will end, only god. But, i doubt the world will end in 2012, and I doubt god exists.
The Christians on here act stangely......un-Christ like. If you really want atheists to believe you're so much better than them, you could start by staying off TFLN. Every post on this site is about "sin." don't fuck a bitch, demoralize her and then post a thread about fucking and demoralizing her, then tell OTHER ppl they're going to hell. Fucking hypocrites
I still like this. Never actually seen anyone do it, so it's funny for me. I agree, all need to chill. This is website is clearly for entertainment, so like it or go elsewhere.
get over it. its because Atheist's are ridiculed by your people for being wrong. i ask you, sir, why do YOU punish or ridicule people for what they believe in their hearts to be true? B-T-Dubbs...Mr. 215...are my hero
1:52 there is very little in the bible that is backed up by historical accounts or whatever you said. the bible (okay, the new testament) is a bunch of stories that the people back then told for generations and then wrote down for the purpose of teaching lessons they believed to be essential. if they were able to rise from their graves and see us now, they'd be laughing hysterically at how literally the bible is translated.
you guys really need to chill out. all of you
let people believe what they want athiests stop trying to convert christians and christinas stop trying to convert athiests
anyone ever heard of the doctrine of maybe?
1:02 AM..........shut the fuck up. It's people like you and all the rest of your bible hugging friends that make this world such a shitty place to live. Get off your religious high horse, take the bible out of your ass (even though that's where it belongs what with all the shit that's in it) and learn how to laugh. Jesus Christ. Oh and by the way, god is laughing at your dumbass for being such an idiot
I love how one person said "Science is bullshit" and "The big bang theory is fiction". Yeah because believing that the whole universe was created by some god who can control everything seems so much more realistic? This guy was just making a joke that in my opinion is funny. Now this board is arguing about what belief is right. I'm only 17 and I feel so sorry for most of these people who belief some of this
Lmfao, Thank you for making my week. To all of you people condemning this person, who the hell do you think you are? You're not god. For all you know (if "God" exists) hesheit has a sense of humor. In fact, I don't see how hesheit couldn't, I mean we exist right?
You're awesome!! I heard a women at work say 'I have god on my side' I replied 'and I have the Easter bunny'..
Felt bad though she was just a sweet old lady, it was just the first thing that went through my head.
it's funny. everyone should just laugh and get over being physco bible lovers. I believe in god but I'm not preaching it. this is fricken hilarious I wanna do this
I agree it was wrong because of how it affected the the employees... And christians probably would find this offensive seeing as they base a factual lifestyle on a potentially fictional book that may have been lost in translatation thousands of years ago. Survey says: this is one funny quote. I wonder if the author of this grabbed the koron too haha
How is saying "please go kill yourself" and "fuck you " very godly of you? If your gonna preach, then practice what you preach. You are horrible people. All religion is is a fucking cult. You don't even know that half of it.
@1:27 - The Bible does go against evolution you retard. You have no point, but since you believe you do, why don't you enlighten me? Oh, and I would suggest actually reading the Bible before attempting to respond.
If you are religious- why are you reading stuff from this website? It's the most "un-Christian" stuff next to porn that you could be doing online. It's all about texts "sinners" send.
hahahahahahaha I love it. Who the fuck cares if it is overdone??? It is still funny. Oh and all you bible lovers...what about "thou shall not judge"...i guess you will all join us in hell...all the good bands will be there anyway.
well before there was a religious section ( and some book stores still do, including barnes and noble a few years ago) bibles were in the fiction section
It does "just happen". We just haven't figured it all out yet. O and with the creation of humans thing...I've got that routine down pretty solid I think (despite what the ladies say, heyo!)
They kicked him out because no matter how much u zealot fucks hate on it, tere is a religious section in barnes and noblesand the bible is a religious book. No one Asked fucks if u believed in it or not and who's to say u can't believe in a mix of religion and science. And why do ppl always pick on Catholicism, there is more than one religion; dumbasses
i believe this entire argument can be simplified.
we can't prove anything, we can't disprove anything. the only thing we can do is try to live in harmony with people who have different beliefs than ourselves.
Please. Something like 98% of all known species on this earth, past and present, are extinct. That isn't even close to something that can be considered intelligent design.
It's a matter of science, not belief. You can't simply say there's no godlike anomaly simply because you don't believe in a god. All it means is that it counters otherwise universally applicable logic. Mathematics and physics are the two purest sciences, and the origins of the universe, along with its nature as a singularity, defy even those.
The line between science and theology is actually rather thin, despite the impression that high school science classes give.
I'm still upset that they put my two bibles in fiction..."Alice in Wonderland" & "Peter Pan" at least Alice and Peter did'nt turn ladies into salt or knock off first born babies. I refuse to believe in a gfiff that's less human than I am.-Sherwin Williams & Mrs. Nobles
Exactly... The big bang is a theory "smart guy". Atleast science admits there are no facts. Try getting
the majority of closed minded Christians to admit there are no facts in the bible. .... DumbAss
you really think this universe, this galaxy is the extent of things? We have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. To put it all on this human notion of god (and prob this christian god) is some crazy thinking. poor me? poor you. it's fun to learn about why/how things came about. just saying it's god is pretty boring dontchathink?
Uhhh... this is fake. This is one of those things you see on tshirts and stuff. This kinda pisses me off that this is on here, but my funny one wasn't.
And 11:53- there's an old testament in there too ;)
12:59, maybe he takes things with a grain of salt. Maybe he takes solace in believing these "joke-sters" are going to hell for their "blasphemy". Maybe you need to calm down about religion. People make fun of my beliefs all the time, and I don't care because people are entitled to their opinion. Chill out dude. Also, read a book about "science", just putting that out there...
please all of you "Christians" have no clue you all are brainwashed to belive in some stupid bullshit get a life and stop preaching no one gives a shiit
9:45 probably posted this after getting her illegitimate children off to school, and after putting on her clothes that are made of a polyblend material. Did you have Red Lobster last night for dinner?
I believe in God. What I don't believe is having to live my life by him. I want to eat meat whenever the fuck I want, cus whenever the fuck I want, and basically do anything whenever the fuck I want. I'm sure he's too busy to worry over every little thing I do, otherwise my "prayers" wouldve been answered. Amen bitches. Love this text. I'm sure the bible is fictitious, and full of contradictions.
The starting point is when a particle of matter traveling at almost the speed of light impacted a cloud of proteins, forming an amino acid, the basis of life. This can be proven by facts. Can you prove yours with facts?
Chill people. I think I just might do that now. Just to fuck with you all because the bible IS fucking fiction and it really is pathetic that people read a book written by cavemen. Quite sad. And I have a question... Why is Jesus our "savior" when he's jewish? I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS CULT/RELIGION SHIT!!
damn you're dumb. Cavemen? both the Roman and Greek empires were before Jesus as in BC so were they cavemen? and they mean Jewish as in his ethnicity not his religion.
12:25 its not bc they're saying it plural, its a possessive, and they aren't putting in the apostrophe. It sounds the same if it is grammatically correct or not. Chill.
no matter where you put it people will find it... its tops the best seller book every year. you can knock the Bible all your want but it doesn't prove the facts that it is the BEST.
shit people calm down. no hell no magic. big bang theory asshole, pick up a textbook. all ive got to d say is id like to meet the smart motherfucker who was able to convience a population that there is a bearded man in the clouds that we must worship and starve ourselves for. no "man" can create matter if it's not there. keep your opinion to yourselves and I'll keep mine.
Regardless of whether or not you believe in god, you have to give the guy props for getting ALL of the bibles over to the fiction section. That's a lot of fucking bibles!
I believe in God and I in NO WAY force my beliefs on other people, or disrespect other peoples beliefs.. it's too personal. this is very disrespectful.
I would think the Same way if someone did that to any other religious book.
Here is what I find funny...
1) the discussion about this post has been going on for 5 months
2) this website is about funny texts...fucking, throwing up, cheating, booty calls, etc.
3) why are these defenders of the bible here anyway
Just my thoughts....
Much as I sympathize with the motives of the texter, I've also worked in a bookstore and I can assure you that on average at least half of the staff would like to do the same thing. But believe me, you're pissing them off far more than you would Christians, because corporate has a very different attitude.
9:45 how is it that you dont know the answers to your own questions yet give credit to some god for this. well i give credit to my dick, it started the universe. So following your logic, since you cant disprove it- it must be true. yay!!
As an ex-Barnes and Noble employee, I can state with certainty that bibles are filed with other religious books (like the Koran, say) in a "religion" section. The only stance this person took was one that would irritate the employees who had to move the books back to the "religion" section. Wow, what a blow for righteousness.
People think christians are so stupid? science says that one time there was nothing. nothing at all. no mass or matter or anything. eventually the nothingness became so non-existent that the world appeared! magic! is it really that much easier to believe that than it is to believe in God? And all people commenting on how God kills people and destroys things have no clue what youre talking about. Read the Bible, yes the ENTIRE THING through. Understand it, then come argue with me about how the notion of
a creator doesnt make sense. youll find it impossible. sure, scoff at me for making this claim but if you have the confidence and gumption to actually take a step out of your retarded shell of atheism, then youll be proven wrong.
Do you believe in science? Do you believe in nuclear power? You split an atom by shooting a neutron at it and it heats up water, MAGIC! Earth came to be in pretty much the same way... God had nothing to do with it.
So, as a species, we haven't come along far enough to completely understand some part of this universe. The obvious answer then, in the mean time, is that an invisible man in the sky wielding divine power wished it all into creation. It couldn't possibly be that WE JUST DON'T KNOW YET what really happened. Religion is a fairy tale. You are suffering from the biggest mass delusion in history. Go see a doctor so he can prescribe you some common sense.
"i don't understand people that bash love (in general). Non Christians bash Christians for their love of the word of their God. Christians bash Non Christians for their lack of faith. its a sick cycle resulting in misunderstanding and hatred. everyone wants to be heard, but no one is listening. Why can't people just be happy for the love that others experience instead of trying to break it?"
that doesnt happen because people are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling!
~dr kelso
haha...what a silly thread. haha funny to think some people state this is against the law...umm what about the 1st amendment to the consitution- freedom of RELIGION. (or lack there of) Get over it...it is funny. Anyone who moves books is practicing their freedom of religion.. you don't like what you read...leave the site fools.
Really y'all need to chill! Some believe, some dont, and some just don't give a shit. You don't have to debate all the time and talk shit. If u don't find this funny that's fine. If u do...right on!
Stop being idiots and go have fun with life!!
Btw funniest thing I've seen yet lol :D
I fail to recognize how God is fake - because science proves it? I understand the Bible is hard to believe - sometimes I struggle believing it, but I just can't believe that it was made up - too real for me, imo.
Albert Einsteins quote after someone asked him about Jesus "No myth can be filled with such life."
Do you even know Einstein's religious affiliation? Albert Einstein was also a brilliant philosopher aside from physicist. Perhaps he was gesturing to the notion that Jesus taught phenomenal moral standards about living a good life.
"You think that can just happen? There's no way."
Says who? Just cuz we don't understand how things work doesn't mean they're not natural.
I prefer to simply admit that I can't know absolute reality until/if I'm ever presented with the answer. *shrug*
I think people should just chill out and think about this who is god have u ever seen him or is it a her no one knows is there a picture of him like there's is a picture of Jesus no so I doubt that Jesus is his son because there is no proof and it's not like they could make him take a DNA test so we will never know until we die I find it hard to believe when somme one so great as god could have a child
How can we grow if we are living in the past?
Where progression is condemned and life is only just a path
To an unknown unreal existence
Better yet how can anyone believe it?
You told me that Jesus loves us all but you sleep on the streets.
You pray to god every night but your family can't eat
I know that your aren't stupid, so what are you doing?
June 24, 2009 1:46AM, AMEN
June 24, 2009 12:13PM, you just used your God's name in vain and then said he rocks. Just another example of the hypocrisy of Christians. Thanks for that.
That way it gets out of the way for you to continue worshiping your invisible sky man. OOOOOOOOh, Sky MAN!!! Who is not Thor god of thunder, nor Odin, nor Vecna, nor Horus, nor Set, but is TOTALLY way more real then all those other pussies. \n\n...because he speaks to meeeeeeeeeee
Something that counters otherwise universally applicable logic IS just an anomaly, there's nothing godlike about it, regardless of beliefs. And we're making progress in understanding these things. One day we will just laugh at this as yet another thing attributed to "god" because of a lack of knowledge on the subject.
The Bible is A fiction book. It tells stories about been good and blablabla.
So the only thing I really want to say is:
Respect is exactly what you guys need.
Fuck all you bible reading dipshits. i'm tired of you getting offended when someone tells the truth about your bullshit religion. in reality, religion, especially christianity has been used since it's beginning to either gain wealth or control people. For thousands of years people have gone to war and killed each other because of what they're too stupid to understand. They say that they do it for god, but they do it for power. you people are hypocritical assholes. you waste your lives, you are
i think this was absolutely great. the christian religion is built on sledging other religions, it's about time someone got back at them. i really have to try this sometime :)
That was just too far.\n\nIt's great and all you don't believe in God, but don't be a dick about it. And for anyone who says something along the lines of, "Well, Christians are the ones always harping on us," just STFU. It's not all of them. And you don't need to be a hypocrite.\n\nDumbasses.
I do this all the time! Score! I also put anything with the wod 'sex' on the binding in the kids section.... 'mommy what's tha Kama sutra???' bwahahahaha!!! As a great Russian once said: Religion is the opiate of the masses.
I hate u fuckin atheists who think u know everything what is so bad about believing in an afterlife and supernatural being? What's wuld u rather look forward to rotting in the ground forever or an afterlife
I think it would be cool to edit a bible and put it back haha
or write your own version and make copies and throw them in with the regular bibles hahaha
For all christan people here is what the bible is... It's was made by people to help us in our daily lifes. What I mean by that is they were stories to teach us how to be nice but some ppl took it literaly....
i hate to bust everyones bubble...but the most arguable fact is that we will NEVER know whether god exists or not. sorry to all who cry because of this. and sorry to all who fail to grasp and understand this. we will all be long gone before humans get anywhere closer to an answer.
yeah, this is a bumper sticker on facebook. but its still hilarious. my step mom and i do this every time we go into a book store. never been kicked out though. apparently we arent doing our job well enough... : /
how about everyone chills out. there's not enough proof to prove or deny the existence of God. it's all about faith, so whether you have it or not doesn't mean you have the right to be a bitch to the other.
hahahahahahahhahahah, first off, to the guy who said burn the books, i think that resembles hitler a little...im christian,and this shit is fuckin hilarious, and anyone who thinks it isnt is a retard...to the people arguing, kill yourselves, please
you're a snot nosed coward punk. did u move the korans as well? of course not. fear of an internet seperation of your head from your body i guess. christians and jews dont get ass red assed about blasphemy
@ 1:04 while I find this hilarious, I think its bullshit that you think that only people fix things. People like you are the reason our world is so shitty sometimes.
i hate christians.. more specifically ignorant ones. &believe me, living is a small rural midwest town i see tons of them. when i hear the word chistian it brings to mind the people in my local coffeeshop i over hear talking about obama as the anti-christ & how he was going to "turn the whole country muslim".
&ppl saying we need seperation of church&state, i totes agree.
That's so freaking funny, I love how all of these super religious people are poping up spouting religious crap. Why are they even on this site? It's so imoral just reading is a sin . . .
Ha! You high and mighty Christians are so hypocritical...I'm sure the people who thought this was messed up and "unholy" probably give mad props to the guys who talk about "banging girls doggy style because they are too ugly to look at" if this tiny joke offends you...you should probably reconsider visiting ythis site and go back to church with you moron followers...
This made me laugh harder than anything I've read here before.\n\n@Anonymous: I used to be a Christian. I HAVE read the Bible many many times. After 14 wasted years, I can now, at the age of 35, tell you the Bible belongs with the novels.
My personal belief is that whats the harm in believing in god? He gives hope. And if hes real and you believe you go to heaven. If hes real and you dont you go to hell. If hes not real but you stull believed, at least you didnt chance it.
Following in your example I went up to the manager of a barnes and noble and asked him where the bibles were. He takes me to them and I start looking around after I thank him. After moving all the bibles to the childrens fiction area. I move a safe distance away to a reading area. A few minutes later I hear a roaring laugh break through the elevator music from near the bibles. Then I hear the manager yell "touché".
What a fucking dick why the fuck would u do that well I'm going to be laughing at ur ass when ur burning in he'll and I will be in a perfect life in heaven u fuckin dick.
The Christians making these comments about people going to hell are the ones who make people hate the Christian faith. I'm a Christian. I find this funny. I don't hate people who don't believe the same things I do. Being a Christian is being humble and loving God and your fellow man. Try doing that instead of trying to scare people into religion.
christians: go look up the evolution of religions, mainly christianity and shut the fuck up. religions have been used for thousands of years to explain the unexplainable. ex what's above the clouds, why the sun "rises" and "falls". if you want to believe in mythical creatures like god that's fine, but stop forcing your beliefs on the rest of us
Christianity is fucken stupid... I find it hilarious that mary claimed a virgin birth. She's just a stupid woman who got knocked up, and jesus was a stoner
Everybody on this is pathetic actually. Because half of you believe it and the other half is dedicated to religion. The first is sad because this is COMPLETE bullshit, and straight off a bumper sticker. The second is almost worse because if you're so insanely religious, YOU SHOULDN'T BE ON THIS SITE. Most of these people are underage and doing illegal shit. Get over yourself.
I love it when people preach preach preach the bible and the Christian way yet they will get drunk, have pre-martial sex, use birth control, and take the lord's name in vain - and that's just a typical thursday night. also some of the women are actually literate...i know jesus hates that
This post really wasn't funny at all. It's old and stupid. And it has nothing to do with the "Christianity is fiction" thing, even though I'm a "Christian." It has to do with the fact that it's immature and STUPID. And really dumb. And not something people would think of when they're actually fucked up. It's something people do to be bitches and spite others when they're mad.
Besides, moving all the books by hand is way too much fucking work. Just move the signs over the shelves. Much quicker.
All you religious fucks need to find something better to do. Got waste some more of your life in church and leave us alone. WTF are you doing on here anyways.
Way to insult something just because you don't believe in it. Get a life you fucking loser. All you "awesome" people who think insuting religion is funny need to be more original. Old shit is old.
I'll first start by saying that I am a Christian and extremely proud of it. For those that want to attack mine and fellow Christians' faith, I just want you to know that we will continue to pray for you. For the other Christians who said something and stood up for our faith: thank you. GOD bless you all and I hope you can find other ways to have fun rather than support stupid ideas such as this.
Hahahahaha, you woke up this morning afraid of Anubis, too? Try praying to him, he actually does shit, and he's not a crazy vengeful mofo.\n\nWaste your time praying, I'll actually look to SCIENCE, because it works, bitches.
I work ar barnes and nobles, (and im not christain, im atheist) and just want to say, F**K you. we dont put it in a nonfiction section, its in the religious section, like all the other religious texts. did you move the koran or the torah? no. why not? because you're a conformist d**chebag who wastes time doing nothing but being a d*ck because you think its funny. its not funny, it makes someone have to waste an hour of the day making sure every books back exactly in the spot it needs to go, and
possibly keep everyone there working late. What if that person has a kid at home, and a second job and needs to go there to right afterwards. Now shes late and it was the last straw, so now she's fired. Now she doesn't have enough money to say for heat. Her baby gets sick and dies because its winter and s/he's freezing. the baby gets pneumonia and dies. Yes, you just killed a baby.
I work at a bookstore. We don't stock a lot of bibles. If they were moved to the fiction section I think I'd leave them there. There's as much proof in either direction. Also I feel like if I whined every time I saw something I disagreed with on this site I would be typing for months. Best to keep away from religion so I don't have some ideals that belong to someone else to defend. Anonymously. Because that's just gosh darn ridiculous.
6:52 there's no need to get all serious. obviously we all know that religious text belongs in their own section labeled "RELIGION". you probably didn't understand this text did you. dumbass.
A couple of things. people who whine about Christian intolerance are just as intolerant as the supposed Christians. The comments on here do not show toleration, just provoking and discrimination. The second is that the bible is a very reliable book that historians use today.\nFor the people who still refuse to believe that the bible is non-fiction, tell me what proof do you have?\n\nAs for Jesus he was really from god, that should not be the debate, it is if that god, an all powerful being was aware of
the fact that it says the earth was created on the 3rd day... yet days are measured by the earths rotation around the sun. how were there days when the earth didnt exist?
You are an exellent role model. And for all those snooty Christians who posetd hate comments, you people need to stop being so judgemental. "god" isn't a dude in the sky.
No one really gives a shit if you keep your opinions to yourself. If you don't like what people are writing here, then go look at another site. Maybe something more suited to you being a huge bitch.
No such thing as "god"=no such thing as "god"like anomaly, it's just an anomaly. Like I said, things we don't understand are always attributed to "god". This is no different. Once we evolve a bit further and grasp a better understanding of the conception and growth of our universe(which we are on our way towards), we will then laugh at that anomaly ever being thought to involve "god". Nice try though.
so all the people who say a christian person on here defending his/her beliefs is trying to convert you....arent the people talking about how God isnt real trying to convert me and the rest of the christians? seriouslys some people should think before they start talking or inthis case typing...ignorant dumbasses...
i don't understand people that bash love (in general). Non Christians bash Christians for their love of the word of their God. Christians bash Non Christians for their lack of faith. its a sick cycle resulting in misunderstanding and hatred. everyone wants to be heard, but no one is listening. Why can't people just be happy for the love that others experience instead of trying to break it?
Why do we punish or ridicule people for what they believe in their hearts to be true?I am a firm believer in God and I am also a christian but i don't brag about being right.I beleive what I believe and you believe what you believe...why must it always be about what or who is wrong or right?
12:48- Really, a crutch?! We ALL believe SOMETHING. You may choose not to believe in God. Not seeing is believing and there's nothing wrong with it. I dont care if you dont believe in God- that's your choice. Why cant people stop bashing others on here? Let people believe what they want. This is ridiculous.
All of you that are bitching about about this are
retarded. I was raised catholic and went to catholic school, the whole nine yards. But this is still hilarious.
Christians try to convert Atheists because they love and care about them and don't want then to go to hell. that's selfless.
why do Atheists try to convert Christians?
7:09, you are the type that we don't have a problem with, if you want to believe in god and the bible being real then go ahead. It is the people who try to claim that we HAVE to believe in it and if not we are wrong and all this and push it on us and our lives. I am speaking from myself I have no problem in what religion you want to believe in but the moment you attempt to force it on me and tell me I am wrong is the moment I show all the holes in your beliefs.
Dude this is like the oldest fucking joke ever, it wasn't even funny the first time, and it had nothing to do with being religious or not religious, it's just...not funny. And severely over-done.
To settle this im catholic n am a loyal follwer n i can tell u that the bible is made up storys to help teach young kids n sumtimes to keep older people on the rite track
Lol, so the normal people understand this
Argument I have made a visual aid!
Aethiests-------------us------------god pol
Annoying. Why r they. Annoying.
Still botching
His eternal love has bred and epidemic of hate.
Killed off our free will and replaced it with fate
Until our seeds are born unpoisoned and uncontaminated
Future generations will only know miseducation
It's a scary situation when it's captured most of the entire fucking nation.
For all the christians out there: Imagine you weren't spoon fed the bible growing up, how ridiculous would it sound? It'd sound like a fictional book, hence this text.
Obviously fiction. It says the world started 6000 years ago, you can disprove that very fact by just looking at the starts, the light from some of which has been traveling for longer than the 'christian' world has existed
aww sorry!!! but really that is bad to do....it is really funny...but some ppl actually are strong believers...and it would have hurt them to see you do that...
It's been posted in many places because it's classic. I too gave done it, but more successfully and dicreetly. I got the whole section emptied out, safe for the Jefferson Bible, which contains only direct quotes of Jesus. Oh yeah baby, oh yeah.
Ps there's. No evidence that proves that god does not exist, likewise I can't prove that faries and lepricans don't sodomize your mother with unicorn horns. Moral of this story the bible is a fairytale nothing more.
even if this is fake. Its still fucking ace! And for all you people citing the Ra and Zeitgeist religion shit, you are morons. You don't need to see a similarity between religions to know its all hateful, Lord of the Rings fantasy BS anyways. OHHH WOW I FOUND A CONNECTION..MUST BE FAKEZ... no, its pretty obvious to begin with
Listen to me all athiets- say ur right ok u die and turn into dust hurray im dust! - say im right and wen i die im going to a place of peace happiness and God- THE Kingdom of God dust or riches in gold and praise to Almighty God
I am very tired of everyone that is highly religious calling those of us who do not believe in "God" an Athiest. There are those of us who have our own beliefs and will not "burn in hell" for believing our own ways because we do not believe in hell; that's all of you. \n\nIn my own personal beliefs the universe and nature are the higher power. \n\nI do find what you did to be highly entertaining.
to everyone that keeps saying it is fake and stolen and old......whether it is or not.....this person still could have done it and then texted someone.....and then it ended up on here and it's funny......
okay, all of the self-righteous fuckers who believe in god, this website wasn't made for you. let all us devil worshipers laugh in peace, and get off the horse you rode in on.
"When Christians and Pagans sit together, only pumpkin pies are burning."
not quite sure what it means, but i read it on the bathroom wall the other day while i took a shit. the only thing i like more than taking a dump is reading the stall wall while i take a dump...
Ok firs of all dude I love you and I must try that myself
Second for the lesser half of humanity that thinks t that that is wrong you have my pity the bible is lies thought up by some drunk thousands of years ago and if you had actually read it through like I had you would realise that even the holy book is self contradictory get over it
Yeah ok a lot of you have heard this before, STFU. No one cares. It is a funny text. If it was fake, yeah it's still a funny text. And I am a christian person and I am not offended. So if you are, STFU! haha It's just meant to be funny!!! (And did you ever think that some people might not believe exactly the same thing you do and that pushing your ideas and beliefs on them just pisses them off and makes them push away!!!)
10/5 2:23- 'not to judge' huh? Though you people judge gays and anyone who doesn't agree with your puritanical views. Good job at creating most of the reasons for wars. And people wonder why I won't believe in an out dated book with one dimensional characters.
why is god capitalized as GOD in every post by someone who is upset by a little humor? if you're going to be the grammar police it is either god if you are referring to any of the multitude of "gods" humans believe in or God if you believe that to be a proper name
I for one think this is a great idea even if its not original, if you don't like it just ignore the post and leave it for the "sinners" to enjoy
HAHAHAHA WOW....love all you haters that had to say Catholics? Who cares what religion you are. Y'all have no right to criticize my religion or anyone else that is Catholic. Catholics don't say anything about y'all? So why don't you all go find something better to do that talk smack about my religion. please & thanks.
Feb. 8 9:38 pm... What a Christian thing to say. Hypocrite. Bible is fake. Fairytale bulkshit to try and control the masses. Keep women down. Bible is fake... Jesus told me so
Just becuz he did that doesn't mean he's athiest y! Hello there's suchh thing as having a sense of humor ! Yeahh I've read the bible and yeahh I belive in god . But I don't belive everything the bible says ! And don't take everything so seriously ! It's like wthh ? He was having a little funn YOUR BOT GOING TO HELL FOR SWITCHING BOOKS FROM ONE SECTION TO THE OTHER ! Bunchh Of Speddas!
I'm gonna say christianity ties with scientology for being the dumbest religion ever. You dumb fucks have been repressing other religions and forcing it on other peoples for centuries!!! And you get all pissy when someone puts you're stupid bible in the fiction section...its times like this when i'm proud to be hindu/agnostic
Dude, I don't even give a fuck. I definitely believe in evolution, but I believe in the bible too. For you dumbasses who say that the bible says evolution is wrong, or say that evolution goes against the bible, maybe you're right, because evidently, your brain never evolved beyond a monkey. And if you don't understand my point, tell me so, and I will be happy to explain it
Fun! Fun! Fun! This has always been on my to do list, yet I haven't done it yet, I'm now moving it to the top of the list! Thanx for the reminder, tehe!
For the rude atheists on this thing who are bashing God and Christians:If you dont believe in Him than; your loss. But it doesnt mean you have the right to say the horrible things you all are saying on this thing. We arent bashing you for being atheists so why bash us for believing in God!!! Learn some freakin respect..
Haha this is hilarious. The Jesus Freaks are idiots and probably don't know shit about their religion. Especially Catholics considering they have been the most corrupt group of people for the last 1,000 years lol. Sale of indulgences???? Witch killings? And why is it that as of right now the Vatican is the richest entity in the entire world?
@anonymous \nAnyone who acts that way or even remotely close isn't a Christian. More like a faker. \n\nI'm a Christian and I love this submission because it's hilarious, if I seen this in a book store I would laugh. So if people get offended and act all holier than thou, just know that they aren't Christians. I hate people like that.
why is it that you christian people believe that atheists don't "know" about jesus and his love or "know" about going to hell. Of course we do. We learned about jesus and moses and the amazing noah and jonah and job and john and mary and sara and the three wise men just like you did. The only difference is we decided to to play make believe and you didn't.
uuugh you people exhaust me...point is all of you are just like me...more than likely naked in bed at 12:30 at night trying to laugh...so laugh already. Doesn't really matter what we believe, if you laughed at most of these or any it means something you think is funny will offend someone.
cuz all the religious bullshit gets pulled into politics
leave the gays alone, and get rid of creationism in schools
if you can be content to believe in whatever the hell you want to believe in at home i dont have a problem...were not a theocracy, so if you want that, go live in the middle east bitches
and just because you believe with all your might in something makes it no more true than the idea that picking your nose will make you rich
Yeah I mean the fact that religions pressure people to convert is bad enough. then the fact that they try to tell us what we believe is wrong when they don't have aclue themselves is worse
because it couldn't just be that some people respect the religion of Christianity.
and tired employees who have to deal with the shenanigans and ignorance..
but you're right, those people, with their horrendous motives of peace and order are the one's causing the drama.
I think that religion is a bunch of bullshit. People should live their lives the way they want to, and not the way that "the book" tells them. Religion was created to scare people. Good vs. Evil, what a bunch of crap.
haha wow i've read the bible been to sunday shool and all, and i dont believe in any of it.. its good to follow and all... but nice... if you really care about your religion this much i dont understand why your even on this website!! the person who did this probably did it for something to laugh at (my hat is off to that person) i need to try it!!
Mediummac, your a douchebag because your obviously a crazy conservative bitch who is too scared to face the facts that god is a fucking ass hole. And this was funny so fuck you if your too stuck up to have a sense of humor :p
regardless of whether or not you believe in the bible, it is sold as a non-fiction and should be placed there. while it is amusing, it's pointless and just time-consuming.
and my goodness there's a lot of "god-haters" on this website. most athiests I've met aren't so condescending to "bible thumpers. "
Definitely. After taking another look at that disgusting book full of genocide, r a p e, and hate, hopefully OP will reconsider moving the Bible, and just burn it instead.
I don't believe in a zombie? but i do believe in my creator. How else do you think everything got here? And would you rather live like there isn't a god and be wrong, or live like there is one and be right? cuz even if I was wrong (which I have full faith Im not) I would end up in the same position your expecting to be.
I'm christian and I think this is funny. \nAnd to all peolple saying "Christians are crazy" or that we're hypocrites then stop generalizing all of us. Some Christians are crazy, but some aren't, just like with any relgion or race
Every time I hear an atheist say oh my god I say but you don't believe in god. That gets them pissed. But seriously I am a Christian and I don't really mind atheists as long as they are not jerks about it
I could care less, but I think the old testament is bull shit it says people lived till they were 1000. Though the new testament is more historical. Jesus was a proved human being, there are painting of him, there are written records of him. Also he did preform miracles and they were recorded as was his lectures so not all of the bible is fake!
Lol...this is like a giant thread where all the like-minded atheists can stand up and cheer / gang up + bash any christian that has an opposing opinion on the Bible. All for a stolen joke that has been around for years.
I hope you guys don't actually BELIEVE this. That's so sad. You don't, right? I mean this has been going around forever. Whoever this is probably just copied it right off a bumper sticker. It's the EXACT words as the bumper sticker, so don't give me "ohhh people do it all the tiiiime" PATHETIC.
You know what's funny? That all you people claiming to be "Christian" are the ones cursing and thretening to kick everyones ass. Religion is the cause of most wars aand your all proving it. Take that to heaven with you.
It's funny cause religion is a joke. If god gave us life then why would he want us to waste it away from a book. The Da Vinci code sold more than bibles
*IF UR A CHRISTIAN KEEP READING* when we say the world will end in 2012, take a second and think...in Revelations, it says nobody knows when the world will end. So why do we always think that 2012 is the end?Take a second and think about it. The world might end in 2012, but until all 7 signs have been established, there isn't proof. SO DONT WORRY AND KNOW THAT THERE ISNT PROOF! If ur a Christain and u believe this, forward to everyone, even me!
Jesus you people who think your so god damn scientific because your atheist. You seem to think Chrisians beleive there is a big bearded man in the sky who knows everything. In fact Im a Christian and might do this because its really really funny.
You misunderstood what it says, 1:34.
The world began ~6000 years ago, but the universe existed long before. When the Bible says that "God created the heavens and the earth," it means God created Heaven and the Earth at the same time. The universe was around long before.
And one major flaw in the big bang theory is that you need a spark to make an explosion. What was your spark?
The Big Bang theory was improperly named, it was simply the expansion of a point millions of times smaller than an atom to a much more reasonable size. The Earth itself was created 5 billion years ago, when the sun cooled to its present state. And life was formed from lifelessness. Kudos to all who can recognize that bottom quote.
i also pray that god would show all yall lost souls some kind of light.. you will need him one day, you need him now but havent yet realized it.. bless you all
dude I want to go to hell. that's where the party. all the fun people will be there and all the annoying goody two shoes will be in heaven. i'm excited for hell
11:43 ...if a joke about the bible is a sin....that leads to someone deserving to go to hell. then what does it say about you being on a site that contains such a graffic nature and vile content?
Everything about all the comments I've read seriosly irritate the hell out of me..the "Christians" and the non "Christians" in the past couple of years I've come to my own belief that there is a God, if there wasn't then life on this earth is completely pointless. I'm not leaving this to say have fun in hell or to say believing in God is stupid. I'm leaving this to say it dosnt matter what happens in the end rlly so why cause another problem in the world by fighting over it?
Christianity is the belief that a jewish zombie who lives in space will take the evil from our souls if we drink his blood, and telapathicly tell him he is our master and we accept him then the evil put in us by a rib lady who talks to snakes will be taken away and we too will live forever in space/cloud city
Anyone who seriously thought this was a cool or funny is seriously fuckedd upp because it's one of the most retartedd and offensive things i've heard of and if you don't believe in god that's your choice but don't be an idiot
this is one of the funniest things i've ever read...and i'm a christian. i figure if you can't laugh at yourself, you've got NO BUSINESS laughing at anything or anyone else.
So the Bible is true? Why? Because the Bible says so? Open your eyes and get rid of that crutch you call "faith." I can't believe not thinking is called virtuous.
All the people who are being ass holes about relgion can get a life because religion is important and the majority of people live their lives by it... If you choose not to accept this one or any other that's fine but don't be a jackass.
All u guys saying "enjoy ur time in hell" are fucking stupid.u go to hell when you die therefor being lit on fire for all eternity wudnt hurt BECAUSE YOUR DEAD!
Oh, and by the way, all you stupid dumbasses who said this guy will go to hell...well, looks like creationism'll have a hard time describing your rare case of profound religious retardedness
Religion is a scam and a cult... Some more of a cult than others... I'm happy I got away from churches and doing my own thing... I was raised baptist then finally realized what a joke I was living... I believe in science... Props to you my friend, bibles ARE fiction! :-)
ok believe in whatever you want idc but knocking on someone else's religion is fucking rude. just because you dont believe the same thing as someone else doesnt mean you have the right to do something like that. some of you commenters give athiesm a hell of a bad name.
i feel like everyone is always going to have different beliefs and views, and that no one knows for certain why we are here, and we just need to respect others beliefs. =] even scientology, blah.
I hope all te people who think this is funny burn in hell I don't really have to hope tho bc I know it WILl happen and your right we shouldn't judge you bc God will and I already know what my buddy is going to say
Science is bullshit. How the fuck does anyone know how old the earth is? And how would some "big bang" put the earth in a habitable spot in the galaxy, just close enough to the sun that we don't burn up or freeze? Might as well put the science books in the fiction section as well.
The Bible is a book of "stories" but they are true stories. True means non-fiction. There are so many ways that the Bible has been proven over the years and is used as a historical document. It is also alive and applies to life today. There are things that the Bible predicts that have come true and will come true in the future. Christians are not perfect people but should strive to be so. No one is perfect so they shouldn't be judged more than others around them.
Hahahahahaha all I will say is tht christianity and just about every other religion has done sooo many bad things like start tons of wars and byism it out wieghs the faith and other shit
I'm a Christian but I'll be the first to admit that Christians as a whole are idiots who need to pull their heads out of their asses I can't stand most Christians they are idiotic hypocrites also this is hilarious so you can judge Christians as a whole but please know that we are not all fucked up retards
Wow. As a Christian this kind of hurts. How about I go and put all of the Darwin science books in the fiction section and we can call it even and drink beer together?
i hate that everyone lumps christians into one catagory. i think this is funny. why cant we all just respect each others beliefs? how do you expect christians to respect you when you lable us all the same way? were individuals who deserve respect just as much as atheists.
I was raised Baptist and I actually found this super funny. What's not cool though is that people are actually having religious debates on here... right now... on textsfromlastnight... I mean really? I highly doubt that anyone will change their own opinion after reading your comments so just keep it to yourself. Enjoy the text, laugh, and move the fuck on.
That one I haven't heard. My favorite is to get a book on satanism or fetish sex, and put it in the christian section. Right in front. Then just grab a coffee, a book to look like you're busy, and wait for it. Good times, good times.
all who posted hate comments, shut the fuck up. I'd do this with the Torah or the Qu'ran as well as the Bible since they all say almost the same thing. Learn to laugh at yourselves and not just others. Now for sleep
Submitted by
on Aug 14, 10 at 11:42pm
everyone argueing needs to calm down, it's just TFLN. if you want to have a discussion about religion, go somewhere else. this is a place for fun. thankyou.
It's funny how atheists r mad at Christians for supposedly posting their religions everywhere whenever it's the atheists who never shut up lmao. Rarely do u see admitted Christians anywhere, but atheists r all over the Internet lmao fail
We atheists aren't being hypocritical, since we aren't the ones claiming we have unending love and tolerance for everyone. We don't tolerate what are obviously bad ideas, like Christianity, Islam, etc. If someone told you they believed in ghosts and unicorns you wouldn't respect them. You'd call them the idiot that they are.
I always wonder what do atheists say instead of "oh my god" and anyways Jesus was a very real person. The roman empire took records for everything and one of those records was the record of a crucifixion of a man. His name was Jesus for all those fucktard atheists who did not already know
That's very wrong to do because it isn't fiction and I hope all these commenters relize that supporting this isn't right to all you Christians that commented y'all should be ashamed of yourselves!
For all the atheists out there, have you guys even read the Bible? It's ridiculous for any of you to come out and say that God did this, or God did that, when you haven't even taken the time to read the best selling book of all time. Besides, people's lives focus around it, and for this person to challenge its validity? That's just plain wrong. Funny, but wrong.
Why the fuck are all the Christians getting so worked up, they shouldn't be all defensive if they're so convinced they're in the right, self righteous pricks
This guys a fucking legend!
Why did they kick you out? A man in the clouds. Who can send us to a burning hell if we don't worship him, but he loves us? Yep, that would be fiction.
You sir, are quite amazing.
I like how their are Christians getting mad, and them their are Christians that at saying there is nothing wrong with them using the power of logic.. Haha the people who frown upon must have no sense of humor? This is histarical
Realy a magical man in the sky that can grant wishes? The world is full of shit and Chrstians say "it's not gods fault" when good stuff happens Christians say "it's all because of god" Scientific progress has and still is held back by this fake crap. 'god' is apparently so nice but if u make a mistake because ur life sucks or uve been raised on a different religion, you are sent to burn in pit for eternity. Not very christian, eh?
haha, this is high up on the best and worst nights. definitely one of the best nights ever though. as an atheist, i must whole heartedly approve of this. the bible is a lengthy story book with a very big following. id have to say it ha the most fan girls of anything ever. lol
Some people are way to religious, I don't even believe in a god, I just think that someone just wanted to explain how we came about more relistically than ancient Greek myths. (and yay for evolution!)
I'm personally Christian and still mess with religious people who are way to serious. Like there is this group in my area called Young Life, which is a christian youth group, but in reality they're a cult so when ever I'm in the same area of them I yell "keep god out of Pennsylvania" just to mess around. People need to learn how to take a joke.
Almost every post on here is hypocritical, and basically every post on here generalizes believers and non-believers. Personally, I think religion is quintessentially good. Problems arise with structured religion. Structured religion allows for fools to persuaded by the intelligent. Out of this comes corruption. Oh and religions that worship are generally the most foolish. A true god would rather have you out in the world performing miracles in his/her name. Just do good and you are set in any religion.
I find it amusing that all you "bible haters" and "religion bashers" are saying that Christians are hypocritical and they judge everyone. All of the people that seem to love this text so much are very judgemental from what i can tell. Whos the hypocrites now?
Just because I'm a Christian you think I look down on you because you don't conform. Dude were not all the same. The ones that do look down on others probably aren't real Christians think what you want I'm just saying. And by the way I think this is funny.
OP u r a damn fool. God is goin to have u and ur famely raeped by n i g g ers. If I ever saw you doin taht I would keel u. U and ur whole family should be eetan alive by cannibusals. F a ggot
And as for the people who are not Christian. You should probably stop being haters too. You're not any better than the people you criticize. \nLet's say youre right and I'm wrong, okay, then we're both dead, rotting corpses. \nBUT, if I'm right, then I get a whole lot more after I die. \nI think I'll take my chances.
Fuk u. If I worked there I'd kick u out and then kick ur drunk ass and dump u in a ditch only 2 come back an hour later and put u on a pool float in the ocean wearing nothing but ur socks and heading to Antarctica or japan, both would be nice.
I'm a little late on this but is just like to say... I am a Christian. but we need to stop bashing people for their beliefs we all have our own and not two people have the same. respect one another. its ok to believe what you want.
Unless your beliefs lead to genocide and the oppression of women, gays, etc. Then you're as responsible for those atrocities as the German people were for letting Hitler get away with his atrocities.
I love all the people who get mad at this let's ask ourselves how long after all the events in the bible take place is it written? I'll tell you almost 200 yrs of course it's part fiction. He who knows nothing of history is deaf dumb blind and ignorant.
Whoa slimshady, calm down a bit. Its obvious by what you've posted here that you're either very young or very closed-minded. You think Christianity causes violence? That's strange coming from an Eminem fan.
There is no way you replaced all of them or even did that you probibly though you'd be really funny if you wrote some total BS that you would and could never do
What kind of illiterate, ignorant, self-righteous prick says something like that on a TFLN page? Please, do humanity a favor. Go back to high school and get an education man.
I have attended private catholic schools my entire life and can say this person is truly halarious and that the bible is very very fictitious and that catholics don't even believe their own creation story any more so I love this man now I must leave I have the munchies
Anonymus you are retarded... EVERYONE judges you fuck head, have you ever been out of your closet? Learn to troll before you post. Youre a Christian virgin.. Enough said.
I'm sure we'll all be drinking icy, cold ones so we'll manage. Added bonus: there's supposedly fire everywhere in hell, so we won't have to buy any Bics to smoke our weed! :D Yay free fire!
I think that that's funny,disrespectful, but funny. I may not agree with your religious views but i agree with your humor. I'm catholic and if people flip out THAT much over a prank than fuck them they're going to hell for being douches w/ no sense of humor
Even though I agree that it is fiction, you're still a dick. Funny how atheists/liberals are as intolerant as they suppose Christians/conservatives to be
Okay so I'm a strong Christian and still giggled about this. Oh my gosh. Get over your selfs and quit freaking out all the Christians claiming to be a Christian it doesn't help spread the word when you are being hateful.
ok. First: why christians are so mad about this, Its funny! Get over it! Second: if you are so religious what in the hell are you doing in this website reading about alcohol, drugs and sex??
hating christians because of what they believe in makes you just as ignorant as the christians who hate atheists for supposedly being ignorant. you're no better than the "jesus freaks".
All u guys who say "Christianity is stupid" and "the bible is a big bunch of crap" well I hav 1 thing ton say to u...enjoy ur time in hell. tell Satan that I hate him for me, will u? now go ahead, curse me out. I'm not gonna care. but God sure will.
You sir are an ass.\nEven if you don't believe in religion, have some fucking class and respect. You sound like you're in middle school.\nGrow the fuck up.
Well the bible has been exadurated and loosely interperated since it was made....it could work in fiction just as well as realigen or however its spelled
I wish more than anything, for society to change, Stop Killing!
Stop dying over religion and relying on god to feed their children
Living life with out feeling
It's a degradation to humanity, to believe that we all subserviently accept a Life of disease and wage slavery and they continue to teach the kids their Lives are out of their reach
No way you could move all those books without being noticed and stopped by staff. Even if you did this,your disdain for Christianity does not give you the right to create extra work for the employees. I would have made you put all the books back in the correct order or explain your actions to the police. It is funny how people think intolerance is funny until someone is intolerant towards them. A lot of hypocrites here. God bless.
I agree that people should be tolerant, but pointing the finger at athiests is just plain wrong. Christianity is one of the most intolerant institutions in the world, and to dispute that would be naive and/or ignorant. Also, bringing the police into this discussion? Give me a fucking break.
There have been several studies conducted on prayer in a few different aspects. A group X was told that they were being prayed for by a group Y about various aspects of X's lives. Simultaneously, a group T was being prayed for by a group S; however group T was kept securely in the dark on the details of the survey. Groups X and T were fairly similar in their respective walks of life, as were groups Y and S. There were no distinctive effects, positive or negative, that were directly attributed to pra
Below is a link to an article released by the New York Times. Not an atheistic debunking of prayer, an article written on an intelligently conducted medical survey about the effects of prayer. Feel free to check it out\n\nhttp://tiny.cc/me480
Your an ass and I hope u burn in hell go fuck yourself you piece of shit just because your atheist doesn't mean you have the rite to opress it on people fuck you
Yes that's the best thing i hav ever readed. People we all need to protest that fucking place 4 kicking him out! We will make them put them on the fiction shelf
It's pretty stupid, if you don't have a religion you might as well respect those that do, in the long run you atheists get more butthurt trying to spread your views everywhere than the theists
Omgosh... as a Christian, I have to say it. Shit you guys are messed up in the head. 91% of people on facebook believe there is a god, 9% of people bitch about it here on tfln. I KNOW there is a god. If you're one of the boring 9% have a nice life, but you're not achieving ANYTHING by pretending to be cool and moaning on and on and on about how you have NO faith, NO belief, you're just a naive little bitch keyboard warrior!
Bible Thumpers~ If the Bible is "factual" why was it editing this year and the word virgin was changed to young girl? Those aren't interchangeable words. Please do tell?? They edit that waste of space every year.
i am thinking.. "damn, so many ppl are high ..wtf?" but i just realized.. I , too , am high. And I , too, think this is an act of intellect ...as I watch History Of The World: Part 1
I hope you atheists get burried become one with earth grow into a tree magestically flowing in the wind only to watch a huge sweaty lumberjack swing his axe take you down get sold to a papermaking company so we can print the bible on your ass you suck. And GOD BLESS YOU!
The Lord said that he word will be reveled to his true called out church, people make fun and say he isn't real and that the bible contradicts itself, if you're eyes have been opened to the word then you will understand if they haven't you won't
i want to know when heroes became those people that wish to put down other theories that they can not disprove because in trying to disprove it they take it to the scientific level where even there they themselves cannot even prove their own theories. when i hear this crap it becomes very reminiscent of 16th and 17th century ideology and thought processing...except with a decided twist in the tables. if everyone in the world thought like this guy, there would be no individualism, and therefore no progress
I literally laughed out loud at the comments on this more then the thing itself. Although, when I'm high, I don't waste my time on here. I'm trying to figure out why the fuck rainbows are shooting out of my TV at me. :D
Fake. This was a meme around the high schools in the area about ten years ago. Either someone finally got around to doing it, or someone who remembers the meme posted it.,
How about for a change, everyone quit being so close-minded. Actually try reading the bible before you so quickly
say that it's fiction and full of BS. Give God a chance
to show himself to you.
how about you actually read the bible, learn its history, learn the actual history of Christianity and the modifications made to the bible throughout history,read passages other than the lovey dovey family-friendly ones your pastor tells you about, read a few wiki pages on other religions and note their similarities with Christianity, and then after you've completed these few simple tasks it would be wise to take a few science classes to learn about God's work on a molecular scale.
people who actually do honestly believe in the life and teachings of Jesus DO infact do works. they DO act, the DO help everyone. Christians who are not actively seeking ways to help & love everyone else are simply falling short of their duties.
@ 11:55, Catholics aren't the only ones who read the Bible. I am Christian (non-denominational, not Catholic) and I read the Bible. This post is both fake and offensive, in my opinion.
I don't think this is very funny, the bible should be in the fiction section to begin with, I have personally never had a conversation with a burning bush, at least not sober
I bow down and worship you sir... i have wanted to do that for years... they never let me near the religious books... maby cause i have a thing for burning things i dont like...like bibles...
U guys make it sound like Christians or religious people can't b on this site u atheist keep laughing and I'll b happy wen ur in hell now how funny duz that sound wen ur in hell 4 eternity and I'm in heaven 4 eternity who gets the last laugh the ...? The Christians
wow people. this is clearly fake because it's been used a million times.\nalso why hate on ppl because of their religion? because you met ONE person who acts stuck up or tried to convert you? gimme a break. be more open-minded.
are you really too stupid to think we've never been exposed to chrstianity. it's forced on us everywhere we go. i've read the bible, it's pretty ridiculous
Having been a Christian for some 17 years, I read probably 85% of the Bible. Yet for some strange reason, the more I delved into a 'relationship with God,' the more I realized that Christianity can be roughly equated to insanity (the dictionary definition).
Why don't we just face it, Religion is bad, it causes not only War, but look at this comment section. Without Religion we would be Lol'ing at cat pics... I rest my case.
And here I thought a single sin, regardless of its nature, would deliver us all to hell. The whole "Jesus had to be sacrificed to save us all" thing was due to the first (first is a singular adjective here) sin from Adam and Eve.
2 things, one, all the people that are complaining about how satanic and unorthodox this is, im a christian, in fact my dad was a baptist preacher, and i think this is funnier than alot of other posts, two, everyone else has an opinion and shoudnt be judged by it. stop hatin because their trollin :)
I myself am an atheist, however offending any religion is the same as them offending us, making us the same as them. Why can't we all just stop arguing over who is right or wrong and just work together to get something done? We are all human and our beliefs, meant to teach peace, shouldn't cause such hatred.
Not religious. But for all the pseudoscience minors trying to teach big bang theories for the creation of earth... I.D. Became the mathematically more believable scenario years ago. Just injecting a little logic.
I'd kick your ass out too you fucking agnostic prick, now how are little old ladies who are now widows gonna find the word of God? matter of fact I wouldn't kick you out, I'd kick your ass!
JAKOSTAN: you are a complete fucking idiot. No one gives a fuck if you're praying. You will unfortunately be praying for many many years to come because it will not be successful. You are merely getting on your knees and closing your eyes. This was funny. Even if it is old as dirt. Fuck your religious bullshit. No one will save you. You will go in the ground like everyone else. Unless they are creaated of course.
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
A majority of the religious population are all hypocrites. There are many religions, but only one God and yet they say "Your God is wrong." I myself am atheist, just pointing out the fact that there is the same God in ever religion.
Submitted by
on Aug 25, 10 at 10:40am
i work in a bookstore and its punks like you who make my job a living hell. its not clever, it's been done a million times before and we will make you fix it before we ban you for life.
If god created everything, then he created sin (or at least the "sinful nature" that is claimed to be omnipresent through all humans). If holiness created unholiness, then by what definition do you deem holiness? It is as if you are saying light created dark.
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