I'm with 3:26. Have had a lot of pussy, some with meat curtains, some without. If they're there, they're fun to play with. Women with them shouldn't be ashamed; if a guy doesn't like it then tell him to piss off, or that he's got a small dick and doesn't know how to use it. Women have enough insecurities as it is, and shouldn't have to worry about any more. The female body is a wonderful thing, and I think us guys should appreciate all aspects it.
There is nothing wrong with Beef Curtains!! All woman and labias are are fin beautiful - WOMEN!! You need to declare your independance NOW!!! Beef curtains or no beef curtains - take off those pants and underwear and march proudly in the streets showing your VAG to EVERYONE. If anyone says anything about the size of your labia then you slap them in the face with it!! WHOS WITH ME?? (please do it...please do it)
Be nice. All penises look different, too. Please think before you look like a jackass and make fun of a girl's anatomy. As a girl with the type of anatomy y'all are making fun of, you have no idea what it does to our self-esteem -- it's not like we can easily change the way we look. The surgery to get it "fixed" leaves you in pain for weeks, even months. I'm just glad I never had a partner that didn't like the way I look.
this man should just fuck a guy then. seriously you care what their vag looks like? dude i love vagina soo much all shapes sizes mmm keep em clean and we are good! they are all different and i love it! i have the cunt coloriing book.
seriously i have been with a lot of a pussy and i dont give a fuck what it looks like its all beautiful and all tastey! i hook up with hot ladies and i ove their vaginas i think you dickheads need to appreciate te female body more! dicks are nasty and ugly but vaginas... mmmmm all day
i love to make out with a women's vag.curtians or not.EATING it porno style is so lame.you have pretend its kissing you back..make love to it with your mouth.curess it with your toung ...... THEN FUCK THE LIVING DOG SHIT OUT OF HER.........but thats just me..
They are great. Not sure how they got that particularly ugly phrase to describe them, it is unfortunate. Ladies, love your labia...or let me love them for you!
yeah i have that a little bit. Honestly I'm so ashamed. The first time I had sex with my boyfriend (coincidentally, the first time I had sex ever), he went and told all his friends about it.
I really want to have that surgery, it's so embarrassing and obviously guys think it's gross.
i LOVE big pussy lips/beef curtains/roast beef. some guys like em, some dont. if you have em, dont worry about the guys who dont like em just find those of us who enjoy them.
I don't see what the big deal is. It's the same as guys being circumsized or not - some girls like it, some girls don't, and some girls just dont' care either way.
Guys - does it feel any different if a girl has longer ones or not?
means hanging labia. the labia minora (inner labia) are extended and hang out a couple centimeters past the labia majora (outer folds). It does kind of look like an open-face roast beef sandwich...... I have them.... :(
I have heard they help with lubrication (because they close up so it's harder for the vag to dry out) and some people like em ... but for the most part I wish I didn't have them... I'm not about to get vag surgery though
LMAO at this entire discussion. One of the funniest I've read on this entire website I'd say. Thanks for contributing everyone, especially the virgins.
I think every guy that ever didn't understand why I don't like my body needs to read this thread. Who cares about big tits when you've got "an Arby's meal" in your pants?
Restaraunt Idea - diner like setting - with shag carpet that has prints of roast beef all over the floor - also on the windows will be Roast Beef printed curtains. The Name: Roast Beef Curtains (The RBC) "Where the carpet matches the drapes". I think the kids will enjoy.
I find beef curtains to be a turn-on. The first time I got my fiance in bed, I was pleasantly surprised.
If any man truly has a serious problem with a little extra labia, I question his sexuality.
As a female who is incredibly ashamed of her "beef curtains" I must say,
a woman with major "beef curtains" is the female equivalence of a male with a small penis.
Then again I'm a 17 year old virgin.
Are guys really turned off by these? lol..
Needless to say, that put a firm end to my curiosity with women. I went back home and shared this info with my boyfriend, who proceeded to laugh and say I was the biggest "buzz kill" for ruining his fantasy of me with other girls.
I felt, and still feel like a giant jerk......let the insults hail down on me now.
2:34 - don't be ashamed, just don't be surprised if a guy isn't enthusiastic about going down on you. i was with a girl (f-buddy, not a gf) who had them and asked why i didn't go down on her a lot. asked if it was b/c of smell or wtf. i couldn't bring myself to tell her it was b/c of this giant flap!
If you're having sex for the first time, usually there isn't an up close inspection.
No, it's not the equivalent of having a small dick. It doesn't change the feel of sex in any way.
Like circumcision, it's just a personal preference, and I'd guess that most guys don't care either way (I certainly don't).
LMFAO @ the term "beef curtains"....this is the first time I've ever even heard of it, and it makes me just love humanity and its sense of humor, it's so fucking funny.
ENOUGH!!!! PURPLE COLOR? This is just gross. Obviously the person originating this text thinks this is something you should share from your personal experiences, If your name was attached, I think you would feel a bit different. And when you saw that the girl had an Arby's meal in her pants, it probably wasn't too late to u turn unless you were desperate. And in that case she was probably sick of boys that last 2 minutes. :)
1:44, it's roast beef curtains. think of what roast beef looks like on an open-faced sandwich. yeah, not quite the same if you've actually seen them. i don't mind either way.
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